New Boy Scout Requirements Arrive
Along with the new year, there are new Boy Scout requirements.
The BSA has announced changes to the requirements for certain merit badges, as well as some changes to the requirements for rank advancement. You can find all the up-to-date info in the 2011 Boy Scout Requirements book, available soon at your local Scout shop.
The 2011 edition corrects an error found in the 2009 Boy Scout Handbook, which incorrectly included bugler as a position of responsibility under Eagle Scout requirement 4.
There are changes in the merit badge requirements for Astronomy, Horsemanship, Nuclear Science, Archery and Sports. You’ll also find the requirements for the new merit badges in Geocaching, Inventing and Scouting Heritage.
You can view all current, up-to-date requirements here. (Be sure and scroll down a bit.)
If you’ve already started working on a merit badge with outdated requirements, you do not have to start over again with the revised requirements. Just continue the path you’re on with your current merit badge pamphlet.
Didn’t know there was a nuclear science merit badge.
Sure wish BSA would keep Carpentry MB. It’s a great one!
looks cool