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Get Your Own Personalized Eagle Scout Knife

The BSA has partnered with Buck Knives to offer an official, BSA-licensed American-made pocketknife that can be personalized just for you.

The 500 Duke (seen below; click on the image for a larger version) is one of Buck Knives more traditional pocketknives and can only be ordered directly through Buck Knives.

The knife can be personalized with an Eagle Scout’s name, troop number and Eagle date, along with the BSA logo.

Buck Knives say they hope to introduce more models of BSA knives in the future.

To order your personalized 500 Duke, call 800-326-2825 and select option 7. Or send an email to


10 Comments on Get Your Own Personalized Eagle Scout Knife

  1. I have been trying to order an Eagle Scout knife from Buck since Feb, 2023. The”Call back in two months” sounds familiar. Over the years between1978 and 1989 I ordered and receives thirteen Eagle knives from Buck. My Eagles treasure them as a reward for a ardious task completed. I only have to buy one more for one of my Eagle’s. I am eighty seven and have helped to help my last candidate.

  2. I was just in contact with BUCK and was told they are planning a December 2024 date for reintroducing the Eagle knife. It will be interesting to see the new design with the BSA’s name change. I have ordered several of these in the past and they are beautiful.

  3. Hoping for a Miracle // October 17, 2024 at 6:06 pm // Reply

    Been waiting for the better part of 12 months for them to restart selling the 500 DUKE eagle scout knife. Every time we call or email they say two months for them to start shipping. It has been more than 12 months since we ordered the first of 11+ knives…still no word on when we will get them.

    Sad time at Buck….a knife company that can’t produce a knife!

  4. Scoutmaster 4th time // January 13, 2024 at 7:55 pm // Reply

    Had one for me and my 3 sons!! Love them!

  5. Grand Prairie Gary // January 24, 2016 at 10:58 pm // Reply

    This is an outstanding value and a memorable keepsake. Kudos to Buck for making this available.

  6. Wish they had the 110 for the same treatment- I like a larger knife.

  7. scoutmaster's wife // November 13, 2013 at 1:16 pm // Reply

    I believe I read that it is $50 including engraving and shipping

  8. McAllen T-68 // November 9, 2013 at 12:27 pm // Reply

    How much does the Eagle Scout Buck Knife cost?

  9. I didn’t get one yet.

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