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Good lights for caving

headlampQ. What kind of light should I take if I’m going inside of a cave?
— Caving Calvin, Rogers, Ark.

A. The short answer, Calvin: three of them. Whenever you enter a cave, you should always, always, always (that means every time!) bring along at least three light sources: one main flashlight plus two backups. You never know what might go wrong underground, and your life depends on having enough light to find your way out. Here’s an example of three lights that would be good for caving:

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4 Comments on Good lights for caving

  1. I use an Energizer headlamp duct-taped to my helmet, and it worked fine!

  2. mustang88220 // March 2, 2009 at 2:01 pm // Reply

    I bring a Maglite, a wind up emergency flashlight, and a raovac headlamp.

  3. IT IS COOl

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