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Scouts in Action comics

Every month, Scout Life features true stories of bravery, preparedness and service in “Scouts in Action” and “More S.I.A.” Here’s the latest “Scouts in Action” comic from the March 2025 issue. Click here to check out the “More S.I.A.” comics.

Scouts in Action comic from the March 2025 issue

Text and art by Grant Miehm

“Scouts in Action” subjects come from the National Scouting America Court of Honor. If you know of an act of heroism that should be recognized, contact your local Scouting America council office for a lifesaving or meritorious award application. Click here for details.



Take a fun look at the way Scout Life creates its Scouts in Action comics in this video.


Search for older comics in the Scouts in Action database.

16 Comments on Scouts in Action comics

  1. how do you apply for s.i.a?

  2. I am looking February 1964 issue of scouts in action. I still have my Certificate of Merit hanging in front of me. I would love a couple copy’s for my brothers & sister & myself we were in Scouts in Action Thank You Very much for your effort

  3. Anonymous // June 1, 2015 at 4:30 pm // Reply

    Hey! What happened to the Sea Scouts featured in the April 2015 issue?!!? I can’t find that comic now. Why did it get replaced? Not too friendly courteous or kind to do that to sea scouts.

  4. Lets hear it for the scouts

  5. I can not believe how the scouts did that. I am very proud of them

  6. My brother just ran into a tree on a sled and me and my friend helped him back to my house so we could warm him up and see if he was okay. Unfortunately i’m not applying to be on the magazine.

  7. Amazing. Truly amazing. Wish I had the guts.

  8. Former Scout in Action // June 18, 2014 at 3:30 pm // Reply

    Where are the Scouts in Action from before 2012?? Is there another Archive somewhere??

  9. lets here it for the scouts!

  10. Yall did a great job

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