Boy Scout installing flagpoles for wounded veterans
Thomas O’Gorman, a Scout from Troop 271 in Harker Heights, Texas, has come up with a great idea for an Eagle Scout project.
Harker wanted to bring a special kind of recognition to veterans in his community who had been wounded in action. Now he’s in the process of installing flag poles in front of their houses.
“Today’s society is so focused and wrapped around pop stars” Thomas told local TV news station KCEN. “I want them to see the soldiers who sacrificed themselves, and are brave enough to go out on the front line to protect their freedoms and mine.”
Click here to read more about Thomas’ project.
Eaglegazer I believe “community”–all of us make up a “community” and our wounded veterans who were injured fighting for our country certainly make up an important part of that community. As the above comments indicate, this young scout’s project is commendable.
Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!
How does this fit into church, community, or school? Who signed off as the beneficiary? This is a personal individual thing. Sure recognizing the veterans is important but it doesn’t fit the criteria of an Eagle Project.
From one Eagle to another (hoping you are an Eagle Scout) please show respect and support to a brother.
Helping the community as a whole counts! Scouts can do projects that benefit individuals. We had a Scout do a backyard playground for a kid with cancer for his Eagle project and nobody had a problem with it.
The beneficiaries are the members of the community who see these flags. The flags serve as a reminder of every citizen’s duty to country; encourage respect for military service and are a beautiful addition to the community’s landscape.
You have to be kidding? Any VFW in the country would sign off on this project are the vets charging to fly a flag on these poles? Please read this centurys version of an Eagle project.
I believe the beneficiary will be each person who received a flag pole and also it’s the community as a whole.
Did you read the article? How does this not benefit the community? There should be a flag in every yard. The next families that live in those houses and neighborhoods can use and enjoy the flags also. What should he have done, built some stairs at a park? This is a great project.
Would this not fit into community?
I would consider Veterans as part of ‘community’. VFW is our sponsoring organization and without them there would be very little ‘community’.
How can you possibly think this doesn’t fit into the category of community?!? It’s about honoring vets in his community with recognition for serving our country. Maybe you don’t understand scouting or community. Sounds like you have a personal bias about supporting the troops. I can’t imagine anyone writing a negative comment like yours about something so wonderful this thoughtful boy did
Maybe he is going through a local VFW or American Legion.
Very commendable project. I applaud your respect of these American warriors. I am sure your Eagle ceremony will be one to remember… God Bless !
It fits into community.. it recognizes those who protect every community in the US. Just like those eagle scouts who get a sign or bench or plaque dedicated to firemen or police or mayor…
Those men served our country and they are part of the community therefore it serves the community.
Wouldn’t it be a community project?
Could the local American Legion or VFW be a benefactor? Veterans organizations should be sufficient in this case.
You should read the guide to advancement. Fits an eagle project just fine
As a scout master I would approve this, it is beneficial to the community. I guess installing 75 smoke detectors in houses around the community doesn’t fly either?
Community recognition?
Our veterans are an important part of our community and recognizing them is important.
Hello ,community benefits. works for me. Ps. I’m an Eagle scout and Registered Adult ldr.
Actually if he puts multiple flag poles in for veterans it does qualify as benefiting the community. His local VFW could support it or Wounded Warriors. They could sign as beneficiary.
That is what I thought.
That is awesome!!!!
What a great project! I know my father was always proud of the flag pole we gave him for father’s day. He often said it was one of the best gifts we’d ever given him.
What a great Eagle Project!
That’s awesome
Thank you Thomas!!!!
This project should be a movement of all Eagle Scout Projects throughout the entire nation.