Report to the Nation: A Gathering of Eagles
About 4 percent of Boy Scouts earn the Eagle rank. It’s a lot of work — Scouts must demonstrate their understanding of leadership, service, character, personal fitness and outdoor skills at multiple levels — but every Eagle Scout will tell you that it’s worth every second.
Some of the most influential Eagle Scouts in the country will gather today in Washington, D.C., as part of the BSA’s Report to the Nation, an event at which representatives from the BSA meet with Congress to highlight the BSA’s achievements for previous year.
In 2011, 51,473 Scouts earned their Eagle through the completion of 21 life skills merit badges and an extensive self-directed service project. The average number of hours spent on Eagle Scout projects is 130. That means that, in 2011, Eagle Scout projects represented around 6.7 million hours of community service.
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