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A Scout Is Reverent Toward God

A Scout is reverent. He is faithful in his religious duties and respects the convictions of others in matters of custom and religion.

To encourage Scouts to grow stronger in their faith, many religious groups have joined with the Boy Scouts of America to develop multiple religious emblems programs. The BSA has approved of these programs and allows the emblems to be worn on the official uniform.

One of the most recent programs to receive official BSA approval is the Jain Community of North America. Jainism is an Indian religion that focuses on healthy living through practices such as vegetarianism, yoga, meditation and environmentalism.

You can work toward earning a religious emblem in your own religion by obtaining a specialized booklet and reviewing the materials with a parent. You won’t work with your Scout leader on this; instead, you’ll go straight to your own religious organization.

Contact your religious organization directly to get started. Click here for a chart of religious emblems supported by the BSA.

Click here to register for the Jain religious emblem award.

You can also learn more here. (Click on “Recognitions/Emblems” in the top-left corner.)

6 Comments on A Scout Is Reverent Toward God

  1. Just found this article. Thoughts:
    **The religious emblems/awards are NOT supported by the BSA. They are designed, administered and awarded by the various faiths. The emblems/awards are ACCEPTED by the BSA.
    ** Many of the faith Scout Committees that administer the awards have changed since this was published. PRAY no longer works with or administers many faiths that are not overtly Christian. Google is your friend in this. Search ” (XYZ Faith) Scout Committee” to find the up to date information.
    ** The BSA Scout Law has remained the same for more than a hundred years. This testifies to it’s timelessness and importance. The definitions for the terms has changed, tho, and is worth a study. This requires access to the old Handbooks and may not be easily available online.
    ** It is worth noting that the Scout Promise and Scout Law in each nation’s scouting program are similar, but not exactly the same. They all start with “Trustworthy” or something very similar. They do not all include “Reverent” . Another interesting study.

  2. Universalist // April 23, 2013 at 1:18 pm // Reply

    Excellent, very nice website and the publication offering innovative opportunities to youth who are tomorrow’s citizens.
    Thanks for this facility.

    • First Class Scout, Frazier Fir Christmas Tree Evergreen Tree Patrol, Troop #800 // February 2, 2025 at 6:11 pm // Reply

      On Today, Sunday, February 02, 2025, Happy Boy Scouts Sunday of 2025!!!!

  3. Important principles at all times

  4. cool

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