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One-Arm Lat Row


A few keys to remember:

· Progress gradually. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Listen to your body. When you need a rest, rest.

· A solid program must train both the upper and lower body.

· Know why you are performing each exercise. Set goals and lift weights because you want to, not because someone wants you to.

· Always breathe during a repetition and go through a full range of motion.

· Always consult with your family doctor before beginning any new exercise program.

10 Comments on One-Arm Lat Row

  1. Its good. but you should really have one leg on the bench and an arch in your back.

  2. guitarmasta // July 20, 2008 at 8:23 am // Reply

    i do these at an angle, but this way works well too

  3. as for how much weight you should use, you should use how ever much you feel comtherable doing a set of 10-15 reps with.

    i started using 20 lbs and since then i’ve increased up to 50.

    also, another way to work your lats, is the pullup. but make sure your palms of your hands are facing AWAY from your body (so you’re looking at the back of your hand)

  4. sweet

  5. How much weight should you use when you start out…?

  6. wow cool. but how dose it help

  7. Orangebysyracuse // March 25, 2008 at 7:55 pm // Reply

    This exercise is good for your trunk and core muscles. Improving these can help your all-around athleticism. Sparq has agility programs and so does nike.

  8. this web site ROCKS!

  9. Jonamaster // March 24, 2008 at 7:58 pm // Reply

    woah.. Nice! Actully.. I slept through it..

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