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Pedro’s Drift Derby

Upgrade your car and become the ultimate racing champion on 14 tracks.

Upgrade your car and become the ultimate racing champion on 14 tracks.

13 Comments on Pedro’s Drift Derby

  1. like mario kart… but isn’t mario kark.


  2. terminator x // April 29, 2021 at 1:18 pm // Reply

    You have to be skilled to play… like me

    I have made my kid play it and after 3 hours… He came to me and started crying while complaning how hard the game is.

  4. More cars pls

  5. I litteraly can beat all the maps, get all the cars and upgrade them, and can get all diamond trophies in 30 minutes.

  6. i beet the game

  7. the one, the only, the me // March 9, 2021 at 5:08 pm // Reply

    So fun and hard too, I love it!!

  8. I got 5 cars how did I get them. Well let me tell you. First of all you need to get a racing streak like. Get first place 🥇 every time ore once and wen you go to the first paig you will notice that you got a car. I hop it helps you peas

  9. Garfieldlover // January 22, 2021 at 11:45 am // Reply

    it is very high paced

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