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Pee Wee’s Burger Shack Stack

Help Pee Wee fill his sandwich orders and earn some tips.

Help Pee Wee fill his sandwich orders and earn some tips.

12 Comments on Pee Wee’s Burger Shack Stack

  1. 56 TOPINGS !! BEAT THAT YO!!!

  2. what i do with money

  3. 94$ tip!

  4. game is okay…………..

  5. oof on stack all you want I stacked 318 toppings beat that

  6. frosty_badger // September 25, 2019 at 4:08 pm // Reply

    not to bad

  7. Eh not too bad…could do better

  8. It not work

  9. But it still good

  10. I don’t like this game so much🙂

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