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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What is this leopard doing and what is it thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. that was one spicy antelope

  2. HOT! HOT! HOT!

  3. I am dancing. lets see if someone comes to fead me for my amasing trick.

  4. Mommy I finally found you give me a hug!!!

  5. Almost got the fly that this time!!

  6. Invisible sandwich!

  7. come on everybody! DO the Boogie!!

  8. I’m only trying to be like the dogs on tv. Leave me alone

  9. “I’m open guys”!

  10. i like to move it, move it!

  11. (Bug) A little to the left…no! Your other left…come on i need you to block the sun from my face.(Cheeta)You know what…If you don’t get behind that rock i’m gonna…{Bug} but…(Cheeta)Alright…Thats it… I’m eating ya…………… be continued.

  12. Lips the Bugler // September 29, 2009 at 2:17 pm // Reply

    Please sir may I have some MORE!!!

  13. i’m learning how to tap dance!!!!

  14. aww, come on give me hug


  16. Hey Mom, I did my dance homework


  18. now how did that person do that

  19. Bear Hug!!!!!,…er,Cat hug.

  20. Come on..this is the last time I’ll show you this step. The musical is tomorrow!!!

  21. No! Darth Vader is using the force on me!

  22. Evolution!!!

  23. Gime a hug

  24. “Hallucination rabbit again? I really need to drink some water”

  25. (BEEP BEEP) come on i ain’t got all day ya know

  26. I’m a mime!

  27. I wuv you dis much

  28. twiddlesrock53 // September 28, 2009 at 5:51 pm // Reply

    What you look’in at, never seen a cheetah lick his lips?

  29. Let’s dance

  30. hey,you want to fight?

  31. Who wants to dance?`

  32. ‘yeah, i’m pointing at you buster!’

  33. ‘you put your right paw in and you shake it all about!’

  34. You wanna fight ducky?

  35. firt comes practice, THEN you can eat the teatcher

  36. “But seriously folks…”

  37. i miss you

  38. maybe if I dance they will feed me…

  39. He’s about to make an amazing jump!!!He could make a touchdown for DUKE!!!!

  40. it is cool

  41. Shall we dance????

  42. check it out baby!Heeeeeey, macarena!

  43. Man! I love these new invisible cymbals

  44. Gotta Sing! Gotta Dance!

  45. im practicing for Dancing with the Air

  46. give me a hug or i will eat your parents =D

  47. I love you mommy!

  48. I want a huggy

  49. i hip, i hop, ihiphiphop, i hip and i hop and i just cant stop. word.


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