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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What is this gorilla doing and what is it thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Man, I’m not ever drinking that much banana punch at a family gathering again.

  2. (YAWN!) Sweet paradise!

  3. just the right spot…

  4. I need a more comfortable thinking bed!!

  5. Is it morning yet?

  6. where’s the baby… there he is!

  7. Next time im going to buy a bed thats soft.

  8. Mom! You forgot the sunglasses again!

  9. oh my gosh why does it have to be a monday mornig!

  10. Ooooh…I’ll never put termites in my banana pudding again!

  11. I’ve had a hard day at school maybe I can get some sleep before my gorillas’ life meeting.

  12. ahh! my foot hurts and now I have a headach how much worse could this get?


  14. ok, no more banana splits sundae before bed

  15. can someone turn off the sun, i’m going blind!

  16. Mommy Im sick …for now!

  17. MOM MOM I CANT SEE!!!!

  18. ahhhh….. now for a sunbath…. ohhh better start to get up. gorillas dont take sunbaths

  19. watsupitisamh // November 24, 2009 at 4:00 pm // Reply

    whoa, no no not to the light, i dont like the light

  20. My head is killing me…I’ve got to stop eating those banana splits so fast…brain freeze, ouch!

  21. ugh! will you two just stop fighting!

  22. If I get one more belly-rub…

  23. OW!!!Stop throwing rocks at me!OW!!!

  24. please do’nt hate me I didn’t mean to eat all the bananas!!!!

  25. will you sing me a lullaby?please?

  26. Ah! The sun’s in my eyes!

  27. I am too tired and I m trying to learn how to use the power of the force

  28. I hope I am getting tan.

  29. I am going out for Americas next top model

  30. Not bananas again!

  31. After twenty-three camp raids, this rock feels SO soft

  32. Oh! I’m FINALY away from that gorilla catcher! Home at last!

  33. Shopping for the holidays is driving me bannas!

  34. Aaaaaa,mom turn out the lights.It’s saterday.Wait it’s friday.Waaaaaah…I don’t want to get up.10more minutes.

  35. Mom I don’t want to go to school I just want to sleep!

  36. Awwww mom, I ate bannanas yesterday, do I have to eat it again?!

  37. ooooohhh…I think I ate too much candy at the party last night…

  38. That gorilla beat me up!!

  39. Alright that tan looks good. Time to do my belly!

  40. the awsome me // November 23, 2009 at 5:05 pm // Reply

    nice day for a spa treatment

  41. Why oh why can’t i see!!

  42. I’m tired, Mommy

  43. aghhhh i dont like the sun it makes my eyes hurt

  44. he is thinking of banana pie

  45. My Dad Didn’t have THAT much Hare did He ?

  46. Mommy I don’t want to get up I want my appatite for Thanksgiving day.

  47. I hate when my brother plays hide and seek.

  48. Uhhh. I’m to tired to get out of bed.

  49. joe123456789 // November 22, 2009 at 7:59 pm // Reply


  50. 5 more minutes mommy

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