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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why is that ball on the polar bear’s head? What is the bear thinking or saying?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Someone……dropped……..this?

  2. Has anyone seen my BIG red ball

  3. why is everyone staring at me?

  4. Hay look guys I can balance my ball on my head. what? you guys left to see the seal?! i need to get me a seal suit

  5. where’d the ball go?

  6. aaggghhhh, look what i can do with this ball, it’s on my head; right?

  7. (says to person) Don’t worry. As long as that ball doesn’t fall on
    my head, life will still exist.

  8. Wait… I think the clown nose is supposed to go on my nose, not my head.

  9. Alright, now where did I leave that ball?

  10. I love old Westerns(aka The Cowgirl) // January 16, 2012 at 7:43 pm // Reply

    Oh no!I seem to have wandered into strange territory.

  11. can i eat now?

  12. Fun E. Scout Boy // November 24, 2011 at 10:16 am // Reply

    Now, where is that ball? Hey, Snowy, have you seen my ball? I lost it!

  13. Look at this! I am a cute polar bear balancing a ball! Oh yeah!

  14. hey anybody seen my ball its red

  15. Where did the red bomb ball go off to…

  16. now that i entertained you food!!

  17. wait wait isint the seal suposed to do this… man, 10 bucks an hour.polar bear, arar clap clap

  18. Goldfishhat // August 15, 2011 at 3:49 pm // Reply

    My mom told me not to do anything stupid. Now I have a giant bump on my head.

  19. Now where did my ball go?

  20. I wish the zoo wouldn’t make me do these tricks I feel like a clown.

  21. awesomeguy123 // June 12, 2011 at 6:28 pm // Reply

    I am the awesome seal of Polar Bearisia. OK, who gave me a bowling ball.

  22. Look Ma, no hands!

  23. Hey has anyone seen my red ball?

  24. lolfailtom // April 27, 2011 at 4:32 pm // Reply

    I told him. I TOLD Billy I was half-seal.

  25. hey!!! i am a gafer with a ball on my head

  26. Hike,Camp,Have fun // April 14, 2011 at 1:04 pm // Reply

    AHHHH it’s a giant tomato!!

  27. Senior Raccoon // April 7, 2011 at 2:30 pm // Reply

    “I’ll show those seals that I can do it too!”

  28. RedBaron23 // March 27, 2011 at 2:27 pm // Reply

    Where’d my ball go?

  29. “Are you sure you can shoot it?”

  30. I’M TELLING YOU!!! I’m a dolphine with a extreme hair desease!

  31. I am a wallrus, as a great singer once put it.

  32. I love playing hide and seek!

  33. What a great hiding place!No one will find me under this red ball!

  34. look @ me i have a ball on my head the others will be jealous

  35. DaffyDopey452 // January 16, 2011 at 3:45 pm // Reply

    Who through that bowling ball in my water?

  36. Tiger=Awesome // January 15, 2011 at 11:07 am // Reply

    Bark! Bark! I’m a seal!!

  37. grizzelybear // January 12, 2011 at 12:45 pm // Reply

    now where did that ball go?

  38. grizzelybear // January 12, 2011 at 12:45 pm // Reply

    i can be a seal too!!!!

  39. hey every one i turned into a seal

  40. Hey Jim! Yeah, Jim the seal! Keep your ball away from my cage! Look at my head! It’s got a big red bump on it!

  41. The S.S. SCOUT! // January 1, 2011 at 5:32 pm // Reply

    “I dont know I saw the ball a min. ago..

  42. indiana jones // December 30, 2010 at 4:05 pm // Reply

    throw the ball throw the ball wait where did the ball go

  43. now where did that ball go?

  44. 1 more second and i get a slab of meat

  45. welbelo scout cordell // November 29, 2010 at 6:13 pm // Reply

    Am I a seal or dog?

  46. mysterious monster // November 28, 2010 at 7:47 pm // Reply

    What’s on my head? Oooo, a giant apple!

  47. Hmmmm, I wonder where my ball went.

  48. obese octopus // November 23, 2010 at 4:44 pm // Reply

    This is so worth five bucks.

  49. See…I have perfect posture…steady as me goes

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