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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is this chipmunk doing and what is it thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

Thanks to “Spaceman” for this great photo.”

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51 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Mr. Funnies // April 19, 2010 at 5:07 pm // Reply

    I love the new obstacle course!

  2. campingfreak // April 19, 2010 at 4:53 pm // Reply

    ooh…ahhh…hey,where’s everyone else?OH NO!!!! this had BETTER not be on!!!

  3. tell ya what, I’ll get the burgers while you scare the people got it.

  4. Indiana Jones on fire.

  5. ow! hot feet

  6. superscout // April 18, 2010 at 6:41 pm // Reply

    I bet the real alvin never had these problems

  7. santa claus // April 18, 2010 at 4:20 pm // Reply

    this is so not fun.

  8. Indiana Jones made it look so easy.|:

  9. this had better not be on!

  10. im in the lead for the three foot hurdles! just a little more and i win!!!

  11. I fell into a burnin’ ring of BBQ! I’m Jonny Munk.

  12. Wheres the food?

  13. I need to grill my acorn. Where is the on and off button?

  14. Where are the hamburgers?

  15. Looks like he,s having a free meal.On the B.B.Q.

  16. sparkplug6 // April 16, 2010 at 6:15 pm // Reply

    Please spare me, I taste terrible fried!

  17. Luke Piewalker // April 16, 2010 at 6:12 pm // Reply

    WHAT!!!!they cheated me out of my moeny and my burger!

  18. I swear, I saw a hot dog on here earlier!

  19. corndog172 // April 16, 2010 at 3:32 pm // Reply

    Hot! Hot! Hot! Is this really part of my jedi training!?!

  20. do I Have to clean the Human Grill

  21. Comic Lover // April 15, 2010 at 7:32 pm // Reply

    No hot dogs? COME ON NOW, PEOPLE!!!!

  22. I knew I should’ve taken that left turn at Albequerque!!

  23. please dont fry me, trust me you dont like fried chipmunk !

  24. i didnt know animal olimpics was so hard !

  25. HOT!!!! NUT!!!!! HOT!!!! NUT!!!!!!

  26. bannana boy // April 15, 2010 at 1:07 pm // Reply

    Footbal coach said to pratic like I was running on hot coles.

  27. I hope that’s not on…

  28. I’m just trying to warm my hands!!

  29. I am not ready to die!!! I haven’t said my prayers!!!:-(

  30. I’m king of the dutch-oven!

  31. Must…get…invisible…steak…

  32. hope ther not having squirel tonight:)

  33. Where is MY hotdog?!

  34. Now where can Theodor be

  35. its the 100 inch hurdle

  36. HOT! HOT! HOT!, hey, there aren’t any nuts up here!

  37. just a few more hurdles then i’ll be the champion!

  38. billythekid // April 13, 2010 at 5:12 pm // Reply

    Where are my BBQ?!

  39. how nice of the humans to barbacue my nut for me!

  40. HOT HOT no must get acron

  41. I should have known those hunters wanted live bait.

  42. Run, run as fast as you can. You can’t catch me, i’m the gingerbread man!

  43. Don’t you just LOVE it when they forget to scrape off the hamburger bits?

  44. ow!!! HOT HOT!!!!!

  45. Gamemaster // April 12, 2010 at 6:28 pm // Reply

    I already have stripes! I don’t need any more!

  46. Get me off this Hot,Hot grill NOW!

  47. HOT! Wait,it’s not on.

  48. jumping hurdles is fun.

  49. i should have kept that singing gig.

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