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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What is that bear doing and what is it thinking?

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53 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. nobody told me to sail in the WATER!

  2. Got fish?

    Where are the fish?

  3. Daddy better be here soon to take me out to the lake.
    This is a beary nice boat too!

  4. Hey buddy. can you shove me off?

  5. Whew! I bearly made it in this rickety boat!

  6. I’m bear stuck

  7. The bear farted on a boat

  8. A bear sailed on a boat

  9. I hope to get some wind in my sails… wait, I don`t have sails!

  10. Oh yea, I forgot to mention I had a little encounter with a shark. It’s not a lot of damage.

  11. I can Barely Bear to leave my beautiful boat

  12. Snork…Snork… ahhhhhh.Man I did it again! I wonder where I am now.

  13. Pass me the oars, I am eager to start!

  14. Gilligan, we’ve been beached!

  15. Fishing like a BOSS!!!!!

  16. Dang it! Ran out of water!

  17. Ok counselor! I am ready to begin my Canoeing Merit Badge!

  18. LAND hoo

  19. I don’t always go fishing.
    But when I do, I go in this boat.

  20. Look at MY! sweet ride roar!

  21. chilling on my yacht

  22. I don’t always go boating but when I do I do I’m working towards my bear badge.

  23. I decided to go fishing. Sorry Had to borrow your boat though!

  24. I have been beached!!!!!!

  25. flame thrower // February 13, 2014 at 9:17 am // Reply

    come on push me!

  26. the bear is going fishing and he is thinking I’m going to show off to the humans my nice boat, he is also looking for snacks, and he is also looking for money so that he can go to a restaurant and show off how much he can eat.

  27. Do not eat

  28. FirstclassBass // February 12, 2014 at 10:27 pm // Reply

    Hey SPL, want a ride?

  29. Winnie the poo couldn’t swim so I got him this

  30. Ready to go fishing ?

  31. They’ve got us in a tractor beam!

  32. Anybody got a motor for this Yacht?? I’m NOT rowing.

  33. Captain Weedwacker // February 12, 2014 at 1:03 pm // Reply

    Fish catching Version 2.0

  34. Sometimes, you gotta go where the fish are biting.

  35. look! the paint job matches the color of my nice fur

  36. What? They say boy scouts only pack the “bear necessities”

  37. Roar, Roar, Roar, Roar Roar (to the tune of Row Row Row your boat

  38. Everybody ready for a boat ride with me? I’m ready.

  39. No time to talk, hop in the boat!

  40. Hey need a ride?

  41. Nice ride

  42. Koda, P45, Missouri // February 11, 2014 at 10:31 pm // Reply

    “Be’ar Prepared, that’s my motto!”

  43. Fishing anyone?

  44. Hey bro can you give me a push I’m hungry.

  45. Are you coming!

  46. Rub-a-dub-dub, this bears thinks he’s in a tub

  47. Well, now you know, I don’t do it in the woods!

  48. What Happened, I was a bear cub when we went on a 3 hour tour?

  49. Lets go fishing…….Bro

  50. Nice boat, mind if I take it for a spin.

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