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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What is that bear doing and what is it thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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11 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Just Visiting // February 27, 2014 at 4:47 pm // Reply

    Salmon anyone????

  2. boombuster2.0 // February 27, 2014 at 4:07 pm // Reply

    …ok. I fish, you push the boat in. but FIRST please get me a GOOD BOAT THIS TIME!!!

  3. MY CARS NOT WORKING!!!!!!!!!

  4. normalnorman // February 27, 2014 at 1:44 pm // Reply

    To Do List:
    1. catch fish
    2. eat fish
    3. chase human

  5. Annihilation Guy // February 26, 2014 at 10:26 pm // Reply

    Anyone want to go on a boat ride?

  6. Well, looks like we need to bring it to the shop……………Again

  7. goody two shoes // February 26, 2014 at 9:27 pm // Reply

    Help it’s the TITANIC anybody, KELP?

  8. Well thank you, but uh… there’s no fish in here.

  9. Hey guys! I found a faster way to catch fish!

  10. mgkfan_ultraa // February 26, 2014 at 7:41 pm // Reply

    why don’t any humans ever want to go canoeing with me

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