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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? Why is that sign there and what does it mean?

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. ridethatride // December 10, 2014 at 8:15 am // Reply

    No ground fires? Well they didn’t say anything about water fires! BURN! BURN IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. fire in the hole … um ware is the fire

  3. Parker, put away those waterproof matches!

  4. Good thing my barbeque has pontoons, be prepared!

  5. Aww man, well, there was no fire ring anyways.

  6. Something tells me we won’t even find a piece of kindling.

  7. Our tents won’t be much help.

  8. Cub Scouts! Forget fire, grab your Raingutter Regetta boats!

  9. What ground?

  10. We need a boat full of tinder ASAP!

  11. Our boat capsized before we could start lighting the water!

  12. Mr. Smith! We chose the wrong campsite to learn firestarting!

  13. Forget it, it’s soaking wet!

  14. Aww man! I brought waterproof matches for nothing!

  15. Off to the Scout Shop for some waterproof matches!

  16. Well, uh, there used to be land here!

  17. too bad Zippo hasn’t made a lighter that lights waters.

  18. too bad Zippo hasn’t come out with a lighter that can ignite water

  19. Well, no one will break the law now.

  20. Good thing were going to learn how to start water fires now and even get the merit badge!!!!!

  21. The sign says that no ground fires are allowed… but what about WATER fires? and more, AIR fires? And ICE fires?!

  22. Are groundfires made for water?

  23. MuzzledSeven9 // December 8, 2014 at 5:12 pm // Reply

    Um, well I kinda sorta can’t have a ground fire here… but okay!

  24. HAHA! im in a tree suckers!!!

  25. so the ground is fireproof huh?

  26. powderspringsscoutdude // December 8, 2014 at 9:51 am // Reply

    Did it rain last night?

  27. It means water.

  28. Uh! Uh! Can’t read the sign.

  29. good thing there are trees to build the fire in

  30. POPULARMMOS LOVER // December 7, 2014 at 9:30 pm // Reply

    Can I have a fire in he air

  31. POPULARMMOS LOVER // December 7, 2014 at 9:29 pm // Reply

    Can I have a fire in the air?

  32. Water fires, however, are fine

  33. Oh, the sign was supposed to be over there?

  34. Forget the laws of physics

  35. Dad? Where’d the camp site go?

  36. “uh-oh! I think we accidentally ended up in reflection world!”

  37. Fine print: “Fires stay in canoe!”

  38. I have my fire starter, some wood, 5 boxes of matche- WHATTtTT!!! NOo FiREs AllOWed???

  39. Good thing I took the how-to-start-fire-on-water- merit badge

  40. I think I left joe with the fire.

  41. Good thing I don’t know how to build fire.

  42. No ground fires? Oh well, we can put it on the raft.

  43. alextheflower // December 7, 2014 at 4:32 pm // Reply

    Dang it! The flood washed out our fire again!

  44. What a great day to make a fire!

  45. Seems legit…

  46. shouldnt have left our tent by the river when we went on that hike now we can not have a camp fire

  47. the other sign is under water. it says “or the universe will self destruct

  48. We don’t want our extremely hot water any warmer.

  49. Kablooey!!!!!

  50. Their is no ground to put the fire.

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