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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo


What’s going on in this picture? What is that dog doing and what is it thinking?

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50 Comments on Write a Funny Caption For This Photo

  1. I,m having a staring contest withe my best bud!

  2. I’ll get you out of that cruel -SNACKTIME!

  3. Mwah hahaha! Maybe the Spin Cycle torture will get you to tell me where you buried the bone!

  4. Little Puppies, Little Puppies, let me come in!

  5. I will never forget you, my brother!

  6. Hello from the other side. 🙂

  7. Punishment for you jmposters eating my treats!

  8. Woah, this mirror is weird.

  9. thefriendtoall // September 27, 2016 at 8:36 am // Reply

    NO! Brother, I shall never forget you!

  10. hello darkness good old friend..

  11. TheFlanaganFan // September 26, 2016 at 9:36 pm // Reply

    Okay, Guys, Ready? Preparing to commence test one. Scuba masks? Check. Trail mix? Beef jerky? Check. Compass? Okay, lets see…low spin speed…temperature:cool…normal rinse… 3! 2! 1! Liftoff!!!

  12. FlainfortheWin // September 26, 2016 at 9:32 pm // Reply

    Room for one more?

  13. NatePlaysGames // September 26, 2016 at 9:27 pm // Reply

    Hey, bro! Come on over here! I don’t bite… *whispers* you hope.

  14. BossGamer7472 // September 26, 2016 at 9:26 pm // Reply

    It’s been 3 years since Trump built that wall.

  15. WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE ME????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. How come I never get to do that?

  17. PokemonGOisLIFE // September 26, 2016 at 7:35 pm // Reply

    HEY!!! You know you are in a washing machine, right? Hello? Hello?

  18. “Don’t die plz don’t die!”

  19. my family 🙁

  20. This magazine is awesome!

  21. Luke says “I’m sorry it had to end this way father.” (Presses Start button)

  22. CoolKidKellKell // September 26, 2016 at 6:30 pm // Reply

    Is that a polardog in a washstorm

  23. BOB! JOE! I knew it! the evil squirrel lord is using his evil human henchmen to torture you! don’t I’ll break you out? and with out the humans noticing me? diversion,diversion.

  24. It’s called a bath, it happened to me yesterday.

  25. OfficiallyFunny // September 26, 2016 at 5:49 pm // Reply

    This game of hide and seek has gone to a new low.

  26. I shall avenge you my brothers!

  27. Starblaster106802 // September 26, 2016 at 5:42 pm // Reply

    I need help!!! Can I come in that ForceField with you??

  28. We’ll make it through this together.

  29. nothingtolose // September 26, 2016 at 4:43 pm // Reply

    *wink* Yep, who’s fault was it this time?

  30. So close yet so far away…

  31. Wait can someone tell me if that’s a real dog there?

  32. All a matter of perspective I guess

  33. Hey bruh

  34. round and round and round it goes when it stops nobody knows

  35. last call for the puppy wash!


  37. are you okay?

  38. Are you sure you want me to put in another quarter?



  41. Will I fit?

  42. That could have been me!

  43. Just open the window and jump !

  44. yu-gi-oh master // September 24, 2016 at 6:36 pm // Reply

    No!!!!! I will save you bob! and maybe you to billy.

  45. I TOLD you kids not to play in the mud!

  46. Noooo! Not the cold wash, anything but the cold wash!!!

  47. Mike, what are you doing in there?

  48. i will SAVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!

  49. Noooo not the rest of the troop!

  50. death2myskull // September 22, 2016 at 6:48 pm // Reply

    Son, I told you we’re not at an amusement park!

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