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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is this horse doing and what is he thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

Thanks to “farmscout88” for this great photo.

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52 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Hopefully my friends don’t see me, because I blend in perfectly

  2. Nintendogeek // June 18, 2014 at 9:04 am // Reply

    Police horse coming through

  3. What they mean by horse power?simple:horses like to ride these in modern tech!

  4. JTHEPOWAFUL // April 1, 2014 at 4:25 pm // Reply

    What?! I’m not a horse, I’m a mustang!!

  5. Can you get a fine for illegally parking a horse?

  6. Cheeseburger of amazingness // March 9, 2014 at 12:34 am // Reply

    Are those things carrots?

  7. Peking these days is so hard to find

  8. like my ride

  9. Hey!I’m walking here!

  10. parking fee!!!!

  11. Where did I park my pickup and horse trailer?

  12. THENAMEISNOTIMPORTNT // February 21, 2014 at 6:48 pm // Reply


  13. where do i park?

  14. What I’m on the cross walk

  15. Where did my car go?

  16. What strange looking animals…

  17. Excuse me, the sign said walk,not go!

  18. it is a crosswalk right?

  19. “Dude, that’s your mustang.”

  20. I may eat like a horse but with your gas mileage your one to talk!

  21. Hey you guys heard about this crazy horse guy how embarrasing, good thing i’m a truck!

  22. If I break the window for you will you help me?

  23. I thought this was for horse parking only.

  24. LIKE A BOSS!! // January 3, 2014 at 4:55 pm // Reply

    HEY!! No U-TURNS!!

  25. I’m a horse for HORSE POWER!

  26. I have original horse power.

  27. Wait let a horse pass first

  28. i am on my way to miller middle school in a mustang GT

  29. Haha at last a spot to parallel park

  30. this is a funny looking horse

  31. Hey my name is Mister Ed has anyone saw Wilbur or a paruchute

  32. telescopeguy // November 20, 2013 at 8:40 pm // Reply

    These horses look weird!

  33. Let me check out that motor problem.

  34. This thing is so not 200 horse power! I should know.

  35. I was told to back up didn’t know how far

  36. jo-jo-bananas // November 3, 2013 at 7:36 am // Reply

    the farmer boy just said to take a left, then a left, then a left, then a left…..

  37. Have you seen an old man who can’t spell cow?

  38. Horse: Wanna race?

    Cars: If you can turn off our parking brake!

  39. Wait, WHAT?!?! Why did I go here?!?! Wrong transportation, pure living flesh and bone people- I mean non-living completely NO horsepower thingamabobs!

  40. (sigh) really no parking again?

  41. hey,whats with the traffic jam!

  42. Um, hi, do you know where Old MacDonald went for lunch by any chance?

  43. uuugh I know I parked my car somewhere !

  44. white salmon // October 1, 2013 at 4:24 pm // Reply

    They said pure horse power was the best so they got it!.

  45. There’s my Odyssey! See ya!

  46. Farmer george? Is that you farmer george? Oh wait, your name is toyota. Never mind! George! Farmer George? Oh, it’s Chevy… Didn’t i see you two exits ago?

  47. “Slow down for toll both please; slow down for toll booth please.”

  48. Uh,Hello? Make way for horses!

  49. beep beep! horses first!!!

  50. What do they mean by horse power? These things have no horse power!

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