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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why is that chipmunk sniffing the water jug? What is he thinking or saying?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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Thanks to Troop 125, Commack, N.Y., for providing the photo.

50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. I’ve been stuck out here for three DAYS!!! Why was I born with stubby arms!?!? Must…Reach…WATER!!!!!!

  2. unintelligible name // February 8, 2008 at 6:09 pm // Reply

    So that’s why the streambed’s dry!

  3. broken arm man // February 8, 2008 at 12:00 pm // Reply

    I’m feeling hot,hot,hot. Oh some amp,let drink up

  4. If I could only reach the button for the shower…

  5. Hmm…. I wonder what this button does….

  6. during his study of chipmunks, Lucus found out that they almost as smart as crows.

  7. mmmmmmmm fresh water

  8. “Where’s the cream filling???”

  9. Hmmmmm… is this a Gatorade cooler or a waterfall?

  10. HOT! HOT!

  11. marinerfreak101 // February 4, 2008 at 7:19 pm // Reply

    dude i was hoping for g2

  12. I don`t get it!!!

  13. These Cub Scouts have been hanging out here, so they will not mind if I get a drink, because I need some of that energy they have.

  14. In a recent study scientests found out that chipmunks can become alcoholics.

  15. Nickname Ned // February 3, 2008 at 4:06 pm // Reply

    Squirrels and water are falling in love!? Now I’ve seen everything

  16. Hmm… Seems like type of … AGGHH! Help me! SO MUCH WATER!

  17. Okay, Rusty said, “Stuff your cheeks and go. Just stuff your cheeks and go…” Wait a second, what’s this? No! No arguing. It doesn’t matter how big the thing is. Just stuff your cheeks and go…

  18. munkin around

  19. “Maybe if I jump on it I could get some water…”

  20. Must have WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. HELP…I need sombody! Help not just anybody….HHHEELLPPP!

  22. creatiive boy // February 2, 2008 at 3:41 pm // Reply

    oooh if I can get in I will have a swimming pool and a drink of water

  23. bob: All hail the magical water supplie.

    Mom: Marty are you worshiping false idols again

    bob: No mom I’m doing my home work.

  24. “If the itsy bitsy spider went up THIS water spout, then tonight I’m gonna have delivery food!”

  25. Just …need …one …drop! that peanut butter cracker from that nap sack has me all parched!

  26. Ahh so relaxing this is heaven ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh people

  27. finally the water fall is near i can feel it……..”MOM CAN I HAVE A DRINK OF WATER?”

  28. hello hello………….. anyone there i can see you!

  29. watz up doc?

  30. Must… get… water… hey! I just realized. I’m not thirsty!!!

  31. must-take-sample-to-alien-master

  32. Were’s the shower it is usually on by this time

  33. Bond, James Bond

  34. Hey guys! all clear, but this time its a different color!

  35. Man, I knew I should have just gotten water from leaves.

  36. do humans put nuts in here or their stinky shoes?

  37. that chipmunk is nuts for milk

  38. i need to find the thing that says wii and you can win 1 too

  39. BOY am i thirsty hey ther’s a water jug aman i dont have any hands

  40. “What does this button do?” The chipmunk presses the button, whitch shot out helium. Then his voice went high pitched. “Wow! I better go tell Simon and Theodore about this!”

  41. “CLICKY! You always hop of somwhere, but here? Of all the places, here?”

  42. “Who likes bug juice, anyway. I’d rather have the orange juice that usually comes in these jugs”

  43. Man They said that these new Hamster drinking things were getting out of hand but I didn’t think they would add cups!!!

  44. What kind of nut is this

  45. Where did all the water go! (pushes Button)OOOH MY GOOOSH! I’m getting wet dude

  46. Who said fitness was easy.

  47. WOW, what a clime and for what, water!!! At least it could have been bug juice.

  48. Hey, where’s the cream filling?

  49. Is my Wii in there?

  50. Hey Joey get out before the guy in tan comes!!!!!!!!!

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