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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What are these animals doing and what are they thinking?

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52 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. You win…for now

  2. Cat: Ooooooooh…you just wait until I get out of here!!!!
    bird:If….if you get out.

  3. minecraft maniac // June 26, 2013 at 5:51 pm // Reply

    How do you think I feel when I’m always stuck in there?

  4. How does the cat get its own way? With friendly purrsuasion.

  5. Latinerd11 // June 26, 2013 at 2:42 pm // Reply

    “If we could switch places once just once.” OPPS!

  6. Bob Monkeywarts // June 26, 2013 at 2:03 pm // Reply

    ya see how I’m in here? yeah it’s fun, you should try it sometime.

  7. Bird: I know I took opposite day too far, but it was worth it! 😀

  8. Let me out! Or I won’t talk! DO YOU HERE ME!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I think I see a putty cat but why is he in my cage?

  10. thunder guy // June 26, 2013 at 7:16 am // Reply

    I tink I taw a birdy tat

  11. Once I get outta this cage; it`s num-num time!

  12. Birdy see Birdy do Birdy laugh at you

  13. Sothis is how you live bird boy

  14. Look i cought a pussy cat.

  15. it is funny

  16. matt-o-rama // June 25, 2013 at 2:16 pm // Reply


  17. i taught i saw a birdy i did i did see a birdy

  18. Boyscout13 // June 25, 2013 at 1:59 pm // Reply

    When I said I wish I was in there, I meant with YOU in it


  20. I tot I taw a tweetey bird

  21. the tides have turned

  22. I told you, Sylvester. Tweetie Bird always gets what he wants.

  23. hear kitty kitty

  24. Bird:Get out of my house or I will call the police.

  25. Cat- You may have won the battle, but i’ll still win the war.
    Bird- 🙂

  26. who is in the cage now pussycat

  27. Birdy open this cage and let’s trade spots


  29. I tout I cought a putty cat! I did! I did cought a putty cat!

  30. Dj electric0201 // June 24, 2013 at 7:09 pm // Reply

    bird:How do u like? cat:Once i get out u r going to get it!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Hmm… It seems the tides have turned.

  32. I’m a catbird.

  33. It may be funny now, but it won’t be when I get out!

  34. now just imagine how you would feel if I was fifty times bigger and trying to eat you.

  35. Now try and catch me.

  36. Nothing to see here. Nothing at all.

  37. Lego Freak // June 24, 2013 at 1:54 pm // Reply

    Bird: “That is SO funny!
    Cat:” I will eat you….. once I get out!

  38. nice job tweety you got me again just wait till i get out of this cage

  39. bird: I see the tides have turned.
    cat: How did you become so strong?

  40. Who’s the one in the cage now?

  41. I’m not a bird, I eat the bird

  42. canary got your tuonge

  43. luke join the dark side

  44. Akward

  45. “Now you know how I’ve felt all these years!”

  46. Um…uh…just checking the plumbing. It`s leaky.

  47. You think this is so darn funny, don’t you? You just wait ’till I get out…..

  48. come on let me out right now or else i am going to call the cat police!

  49. BuckinBronc // June 23, 2013 at 2:06 pm // Reply

    Whatta tink now little puty tat. Granny I found dinner!

  50. BuckinBronc // June 23, 2013 at 1:49 pm // Reply

    My plan didn’t work. Has anyone seen the keys?

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