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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What are these animals doing and what are they thinking?

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51 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. I think you’ve watched too much TV, bird.

  2. Wow, talk about being out of your comfort zone.

  3. I knew I shouldn’t have beleved you when you said there was free tuna in this cage.

  4. oh how the tables have turned

  5. they told me I could be anything I wanted to be so I became a bird that looks like a cat

  6. hey look room service

  7. I got you puddy cat

  8. Birdie get me out of heerree!!!!

  9. legoboss52 // June 29, 2013 at 5:36 am // Reply

    serves you right!

  10. 😀

  11. warped wiseman // June 28, 2013 at 6:23 pm // Reply

    Cat:Enough with the cat jokes! I am not a flying squirrel!

  12. Your gonna tweet about this arent you.

  13. So is this what Humans call irony

  14. Curses , foiled again !

  15. does kitty want a cracker?

  16. Knoxville Jr icebears left-D // June 28, 2013 at 11:10 am // Reply

    Cat:I hate you. Bird:succer yo can’t touch this.

  17. Fido Da Dog // June 28, 2013 at 11:00 am // Reply

    your claws can’t help you now kitty cat!

  18. welcome to cat prison, and yes all the guards are birds to annoy you.

  19. the foot of tender // June 28, 2013 at 10:49 am // Reply

    Granny really needs to find her glasses!

  20. I know how you feel.

  21. I think I saw a pussy cat!

  22. GET ME OUT!!!!

  23. Insane dood // June 28, 2013 at 7:50 am // Reply

    finally, food!

  24. awesome dood // June 28, 2013 at 7:47 am // Reply

    Save me Mr. Bird!

  25. My how the tables have turned.

  26. It seems the tables have turned.

  27. I tot I taw a tweety bird!

  28. Look who’s in the cage now putty-tat!

  29. AwesomeGuineapig // June 27, 2013 at 6:18 pm // Reply

    Why did you put me in this cell, birdy? YOU’RE EVIL!!!!!!!!!!

  30. The Master of All // June 27, 2013 at 5:21 pm // Reply

    Am I a Cat or A Bird?

  31. SHILOH1959 // June 27, 2013 at 5:08 pm // Reply

    Now tell me where your feline friends are or I’ll feed you to the dogs

  32. You couldn’t of done this alone. Where is your partner in crime…Jerry!

  33. skythekidRS // June 27, 2013 at 4:30 pm // Reply

    so how do like it to be in a cage?

  34. its like your own meal is eating you.

  35. king dedede // June 27, 2013 at 4:25 pm // Reply

    Freaky Friday all over again.

  36. Not very “Tweet” for you is it?

  37. cat: look at me! I’m a bird, I’m a bird!
    bird: ok then, where’s your wings? Once you grow wings, i’ll give you flying lessons, ok?

  38. it’s not my size

  39. This is how I got …What on earth!
    I got a sidekick!

  40. IT’S A TRAP!!!

  41. Ha!! Who’s in the cage Now!!

  42. Look what the bird flew in!

  43. dragonspitfire9 // June 27, 2013 at 10:01 am // Reply

    Tweety bird strikes again

  44. Now i’ll be the one tweating you!

  45. “How did diner get outside?”

  46. Seriously bird, not funny.

  47. This is the opposite of deja’vu

  48. if you tickle me with a feather your dead

  49. Ooh great.My owner’s going to kill me because of you!

  50. ”tweety tweet” ”meow meow”

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