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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What are these guys doing and what are they thinking?

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51 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. “My mom didn’t pack me an Uncrustables.”

    “Neither did mine.”

  2. Baloney again/ya

  3. I think this is the bulldozer drivers way of telling us our lunch break is over….

  4. Dragon Master // September 15, 2013 at 9:59 am // Reply

    So this is why construction sites never finish…

  5. When construction workers carpool to lunch…

  6. Funny they give us nothing to eat [rumble,rumble] that’s my stomach!!!

  7. No Big Mac

  8. No McDonald’s 😔

  9. awesome man200300400 // September 13, 2013 at 3:50 pm // Reply

    I think they sat down to eat lunch and someone was driving it and they don’t notice and think “whats for lunch Joe” “I don’t know”

  10. when is the ice cream going to get here!!!

  11. video games are awesome!

  12. just waiting for theese guys to get fliped over

  13. funny they have nothing in the lunch boxes

  14. These are GROSS! Are you sure you put the parking break on?

  15. Darn. I told my wife that I don’t like the dessert “dirt”.

  16. SkeletronPrime988 // September 11, 2013 at 3:24 pm // Reply

    And so, we finally get the scoop on those new fangled lunch boxes.

  17. Robert stole my cookies again.

  18. Ok. I’m tired and they gave us no chairs

  19. Not as good as the Skyride at the theme park.

  20. aw man we did not bring our ds’s I bet we can use the lunch box’s

  21. Ha!! I sunk your hamburger.
    Well i sunk your fries.

  22. I asked for strawberry jelly, not raspberry.

  23. worker 1:aw.i got worms again.
    worker 2:me too.

  24. SWOLLEN EYEBALL // September 9, 2013 at 4:22 pm // Reply

    liverwurst and headcheese? Gross! Might as well stuff it in the engine!

  25. Can we find another place to eat?

  26. why not?

  27. i hope this thing does not work

  28. Finally lunch! I’m hungry! Dang it. No dessert. Bob, what do you have? Just a sandwich.

  29. Lunch break! Everyone onto the truck!

  30. hey, wheres my sippy cup!!!!

  31. You got a spare wet wipe on ya?

  32. Well this is not much of a ride, but it will do

  33. hope the bulldozer conductor notised us!

  34. Man! My mom packed me peanut butter! What did your mom pack? Ooooooh salami and mustard! Can we trade? Please please?! Oh please?!

  35. worker 1: ugh i forgot my lunch
    worker 2: me too

  36. Wanna trade?

  37. pokemonlover // September 5, 2013 at 9:23 am // Reply

    PB AND J AGAIN!! and my mom forgot the cookies!!

  38. peanut butter and jelly AGAIN?!?!?

  39. My sandwich tastes like dirt.

  40. Ugh my mommy forgot the cookies can I have some of yours?

  41. Worker 1: Man, we’ve been working so hard today!
    Worker 2: Tell me about it, sitting on things isn’t a good paying job for nothing!

  42. Worker 1: Doesn’t this ride go any faster?
    Worker 2: Sitting here sure works up an appetite!


  44. Looks fun

  45. dang my mom forgot to pack me a juice box

  46. Hey where are my cookies…

  47. Best Carnival Ride EVER!!!!!

  48. Chicken King // September 3, 2013 at 6:23 pm // Reply

    Darn, you beat me in bulldozer battles!

  49. worker 1:what do you have?
    worker 2:sand witch. what do you have?
    worker 1:sand witch. wanna trade.
    worker 2:sure.

  50. Aww Pedro ate my cookies again.

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