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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is that hippo saying and why is he hanging out in all those plants?

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51 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. ”mmmmommmmm i hate eating brocolie”,yelled the angry little hippo getting out of the water to do something.”You have to eat all of brocolie beforyou can play bl ”,snaped his mother while his big sister put all of hers and her 2000 sisters broclie into his pond.

  2. I thought Olive Gardens salads were big!

  3. Lego Star Wars Master // September 7, 2008 at 11:20 am // Reply

    Ah. I love these spinach bathes…

  4. Mom I said I want green cake not my greens!!!!!!!!!!!Son eat your greens or I,ll make you chock your greens!!!!!!!Om I think I will eat them then can I have some cake?No!!!!!!Come on!!!!!!!No!!!!!!!!!!OK.

  5. I didn’t order salad I want my lawer!!!!

  6. Waiter,I never thought the salad was that big?

  7. I always knew i had to face my worst fear but not like this!!

  8. now i know why i should eat my veggies! if you don`t they`ll haunt you forever!

  9. Who stole my submarine?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  10. That pizza was too large

  11. Kids, time for dinner!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Roar!!! Im a Lion! hear my Roar!! Roooooooaaaaaaaarrr!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. HEEELLPP!!!!! The carnivorous plants! They’re eating me!! AAAAAHH!!

  14. merit badge councelor:We need to protect the forest.

    Hippo:I want to eat the whole forest instead.

  15. Man on a mission // September 5, 2008 at 7:59 pm // Reply

    Hippo 2: Algae’s Revenge

  16. Ladies and gentleman! We now present… Leroy, world’s fastest salad muncher!

  17. Help me!!

  18. IM SINKING!!

  19. Hey! I ordered a large salad but not this large!

  20. Don’t worry our center fielder has got it!

  21. Is it just me or did mom put in some greens.But I don,t like my greens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. “Another Day At The Salad Bar”

  23. My mom always told me to eat my greens now i know.

  24. Ohh No!! Someone filled my GIANT hot tub with leaves! Ewwwww!

  25. Help , I’m sinking from the power of leaves

  26. Pack314Camper5000 // September 4, 2008 at 5:49 pm // Reply

    Hhh, Hhh, Hungry! If pasta is for me, then so is broccoli!

  27. I need to call my gardener!

  28. I WANT MORE CROUTONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHERE IS THE CORN?!?!?!?!

  29. It smells like roses

  30. It smells like roses!!!

  31. Lego Star Wars Master // September 4, 2008 at 4:23 pm // Reply

    YES!!!!!! THIS IS THE BEST BUFFET EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. the navigator // September 4, 2008 at 4:12 pm // Reply

    now they “ll never find in here!

  33. i put my best tuxedo on for this!?

  34. “HEEEEELP! The ground’s plug has been UN-PLUGGED! I’m sinking!”

  35. Yay, the food food is now coming to me. =D

  36. This is the worst salad bar I’ve ever eaten at!

  37. But, I don’t Want to go to bed!!!!

  38. my friend said the spa was moss free

  39. I wanted Ranch dressing on the side! No Crouton’s!

  40. I can’t eat this much salad!

  41. Come back!! i picked the best place in town!!


  43. Oh, no! I fell into the sea of asperagus!

  44. but mom i don’t wanna eat my broclie

  45. ahh,my beeutiful flower garden.[and it tastes good to]

  46. If you dont eat your brocolli it eats you!

  47. MOM!!!! I’M STUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. This is what happens when you dont eat you vegtable honey


  49. Hey i only ordered small salad

  50. *whew* I though I’d never get out of that quick-salad

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