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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? Where is that elephant going and why is he following that woman?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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10 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. The Best Yoshi // March 25, 2011 at 6:19 pm // Reply

    Man: AHH! DON’T EAT ME!!! Elephant: I’m not trying to eat you, I’m trying to get you OUT of MY way!

  2. im an italian doggy

  3. D is Awesome // March 9, 2011 at 11:33 am // Reply

    Hold my hand while crossing the street.

  4. bob the unicorn // March 4, 2011 at 7:47 am // Reply

    “Lets take our elephants for a walk”.

  5. Hey! Come back with those peanuts before I call over the others!

  6. Please Im beging you please don’t body slam me 😐

  7. HUT 2 3 4 HUT 2 3 4…

  8. time for your walk,jumbo. you’ll get all chubby if you dont.

  9. “Thanks for stopping my sneeze”

  10. Stop pulling my trunk or I’ll stomp you!!!!!!!!!

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