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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? Where is that elephant going and why is he following that woman?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. (Lady) I’ve got the kleenex ready.

  2. Who says you can’t lead an elephant to water and make it drink

  3. Mmmm! I never knew fingers smellede like peanut butter when you sneeze on them!

  4. wachalopez55 // December 4, 2008 at 11:21 pm // Reply

    So the peanuts are this way? you better be telling the truth, because i don’t like liars who lie about where the peanuts are!

  5. But I don’t wanna go to the circus.

  6. This is what I do when I forget a leash.

  7. Heel, Dumbo. Heel! Good boy!

  8. hello world! // December 4, 2008 at 8:49 pm // Reply

    Could you scratch my nose for me because it is a little far to reach from here.

  9. Wow she MUST be blind im not your guide dog you left him back there.

  10. But ma’ I dpn’t wanna go to school!!!!

  11. man, that person thinks that they’re so strong. but you can’t lift me.

  12. boyslife reader // December 4, 2008 at 6:16 pm // Reply

    Give me my peanut!!!

  13. Just walkin my gigantic,wrinkly dog

  14. I hate it when she loses my leash!!!!

  15. Walking the elephant

  16. I DID NOT DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. oh, thats the spot!

  18. Keyblade Masta // December 4, 2008 at 8:37 am // Reply

    Ahhh…I’m putty in her hands……….

  19. Maaaan!! The Naughty Corner Again!!!

  20. bob the builder // December 3, 2008 at 9:29 pm // Reply

    Now johnny no more splashing water at me or ill cut your nose off.

  21. Hold it! I didn’t sign up for this!

  22. david the terminator // December 3, 2008 at 7:34 pm // Reply

    Okay! I give in! I’ll go to the vet just please, I beg you, just stop yanking my nose so I don’t have to get another trunk job.

  23. Don’t let me swing my trunk or you might fly!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. OUCH! My trunk is delicate

  25. number 1 pokemon fan // December 3, 2008 at 6:19 pm // Reply

    Excuse me, I’m taking my pet elephant for a walk.

  26. come on spiffy, ur gona be late for your nose doctor again

  27. Wow, you’re pretty strong!


  29. I think I finally found a way to get my pet to exersize!

  30. What am I, a DOG?(let go now or wel’l run over ya!)

  31. i don’t wanna go to bed Mr. MAMA

  32. what are you doing with my nose?

  33. I don’t think elephants are ment to do this

  34. do you see the thing I’m pointing at yet?

  35. how long do I have to stay in this pose?

  36. Ugh! I get paid 2.00$ a week for this

  37. Mama…………….is that you i cant see.
    If you are my mom DANG YOU LOST WAIGHT

  38. finaly i bought something with enough room in the trunk

  39. im gonna getcha im gonna getcha im gonna get you peanut

  40. You almost pulled me over!!

  41. Hey! Why are you taking my cookie? I bit off that! Its chocolate chip!

  42. pencil biter // December 2, 2008 at 4:55 pm // Reply

    Almost.. got.. the PEANUT!!

  43. All right big fella. There were complants about your trunk that you had on the 20th. So, I’m afraid I’ll have to but you in a cell untill you learn what to wear.

  44. Well, it may be slimy, but on the up side, I save money on not buying a leash.

  45. wow the elastic trunk.whatever happend to the elastic hands,feet,&tail.wait..your a phoney.come on lets talk to the ranger.


  47. Why am I behind a fence?!?!
    Why does she have a stick?!?!

  48. ooh, once she lets go im gonna run for it.. shes not gonna make me go to bed…

  49. I never knew my nose could stretch THIS long!

  50. Please, hold it! Hold it!! Don’t let me sneeze!!!

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