Write a funny caption for this photo
What’s going on in this picture? Why are those Scouts hanging around a portable toilet, and what are they thinking?
If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.
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Thanks to “Cubmaster” for providing this photo.
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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
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c-mon i’v gotta goooooooooo
Cub Master :I bet you he’s not coming out for 5 days.
Every body wait patiently for John.
Scout#1:I wonder if anybody’s in there. Scout#2: Let’s check!
Now, who wants to demenstrate how to use the bathroom?
Hey! Its been 5 hours ! Hurry up !
so who wants to go in first.
scout#1:I have a 200lb barbell, help me with this. scout#2:OKAY.BOTH SCOUTS:HEAVE!!! crash!!! scout#3:HEY!!! scout#2:I knew that was a bad idea!!!
Ok everyone huddle up…
Ok. Now if he dose not get done in 30 seconds,
we tackle the porta-john.
Remember scouts,never be fooled by a portapottie’s friendly baby blue exterior…