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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What are those pigeons doing and what are they thinking?

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. oh, no! pigeons on the loose! NYAN CAT TO THA RESCUE!!!!! EAT THEM PIGEONS!!!

  2. THE LEGO FIG // February 8, 2014 at 10:02 am // Reply

    I wish this was a flying race! I’m much better at those!

  3. turns out Davy (upper pigeon) was on performance enhancing bread crumbs, Skipper, (lower pigeon) is angry

  4. Thats it, almost there… Gotta show them hawks who is boss YEAH!!!!

  5. You know, we could just fly…


  7. Easter bunny of awesomeness // January 29, 2014 at 2:45 pm // Reply

    Bring it on Usain Bolt!

  8. Come on! why won’t my legs carry me any faster!

  9. Come legs, we got to catch up!

  10. The early bird gets the worm!

  11. Hog_Plays_Minecraft // January 28, 2014 at 11:11 am // Reply

    Run! We got to lose them HURRY!!

  12. Run,Run,Run!!!We must make it to the finals,RUN!!!

  13. ScienceGenus // January 27, 2014 at 12:17 am // Reply

    Two more laps.

  14. boyscoutcat135 // January 26, 2014 at 11:17 pm // Reply

    pigeon1: I rather be flying
    pigeon2: yeah I’m a flying bird not a roadrunner

  15. (deep breathing) Got to … them …..hawks …..that pigeons …..rule.

  16. Pigon 1: how ya doin’ over there? are you gonna pass out?
    Pigon 2: can’t talk. i’m about to beat you!

  17. Come on, Larry! At this rate, we`ll never make it to the Bird Olympics!

  18. Ha, ha! I`m winning!

  19. “bird races”

  20. commader kev // January 25, 2014 at 8:33 pm // Reply

    I told you i’m faster!!!!!!

  21. Flying? So five minutes ago.

  22. Of course, you realize that I’m letting him win, right?

  23. Maybe you’ll go faster if you stop running pigeon-toed.

  24. Keep calm and pigeon.

  25. I’m gonna win gold! I’m gonna win gold!

  26. Hey, you wanna race?

  27. Run for your lives! The dogs are after us!!

  28. losing pigeon: i quit!!! this race is for the birds!!!

  29. I’m gonna beat u man

  30. I’m winning!I’m winning!!

  31. SONICTheHedgehog // January 25, 2014 at 8:35 am // Reply

    Game on, Simon!

  32. racing roosters!

  33. beat you to the bread!

  34. Thus will be the newest event in the Sochi olympics!

  35. Pigeon 1: Have you noticed that we’re alone?
    Pigeon 2: Yeah, the other pigeons started chasing that guy who was selling bird seed in the stands

  36. only 76 laps to go–keep it up!

  37. too bad we cant fly.

  38. Hey! at least we’re faster than those snails!

  39. Ready set move it birde

  40. we need to train for the olympics

  41. if you win you get the bread if i win i do

  42. And- they’re off! “ImaBird” is in the lead! OMG! HE IS USING HAXXES!

  43. I win lol!

  44. I will win mha ha ha ha

  45. 200 laps to go larry in the lead bob close up

  46. you will never win!

  47. I WON! I WON!

  48. two birds of a feather, walk together.

  49. Olympics 2016, I am ready!

  50. Your as slow as a penguin with his tail stuck in ice!

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