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100 Cool Pinewood Derby Car Photos of 2010

Need Pinewood Derby design ideas? readers have sent us photos of some cool Pinewood Derby cars. Take a look at some of our favorites from 2010, and then send us a picture of your Pinewood Derby car.

Send in a photo of your Pinewood Derby car design.

65 Comments on 100 Cool Pinewood Derby Car Photos of 2010

  1. WOW!!!!!

  2. i like #61

  3. the bouncy kangaroo // January 11, 2011 at 1:06 pm // Reply

    i really liked the orca 🙂

  4. i thought the snake (#114) was really cool. i even added a trailer to go under it, and a cage

  5. I like all of the star wars cars

  6. The Square Knot is really cool, but i liked all of them.

  7. Did parents do the work? // January 10, 2011 at 8:46 am // Reply

    The level of imagination in these photos is absolutely inspiring. The only problem with them? It’s clear to me that in many (no, not all) cases it’s a case of parents living through their kids, having built the cars themselves. For me, I made sure my two boys knew how to use their tools safely and let them do the work themselves…

    • No, they dont :_( // January 12, 2011 at 6:23 pm // Reply

      Sadly, most boys don’t do the work and it is another chance for the dads to compete in my troop. One dad goes into his basement for a month, makes the cars, and the only say the boys have is what color they want it. They don’t care though because they still get the trophies.

  8. nice uss midway i love it!

  9. captain awesome // January 8, 2011 at 11:58 pm // Reply

    AWESOME CARS!!!!!!

  10. the tank totally rocks

  11. these are epic!

  12. those cars are sweet im making one im making mine like a real car

  13. I am going to make a hot rode

  14. green bay rocks! // January 1, 2011 at 1:42 pm // Reply

    wii romotes awesome

  15. thanks for this. First year in scouts and this really helped with ideas!

  16. I though #66 was Really cool.including the little micro wave things that were coming out of the back.;>

  17. I am inpressed – I have been a Royal Ranger commander for 18 years and each year I think I have seen them all but – nooooooooo every year there are new ideas and indeed I have seen some on here I haven’t seen before – great job boys – all of U

  18. i love the pokemon cars better

  19. intresting

  20. good thing to post. I need a pinewood derby design.

  21. cool cars

  22. I think the guitar one is super awesome, especially since I play it! Also the turtwig one I’m a big fan of Pokemon. The guitar doesn’t look fast but turtwig definitely does.

  23. RILEYTOOT-TOOT MAN // December 23, 2010 at 12:06 pm // Reply

    I think this was a good thing to post because different people can see other’s work ard designs.

  24. Awesome Rayquaza and Turtwig and Pikachu!!!!!! Go Pokemon!

  25. Nice 🙂

  26. I like the tank. did the same driver of the tank make any others?

  27. LOL EGGS! I dident even know that wuz possibl :0

  28. There all really cool, but mine is called the Champion!!!!!

  29. I LOVED #9! Good Job!

  30. I LOVE ALL OF THEM THEY ARE AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂


  32. this year I’m making a foot lol ;-0

  33. 15 is THE bomb!!!

  34. WOW!!!! those cars are sweet!! I wish I could do that.

  35. awesome

  36. I think the pokemon cars are better than any other cars.

  37. i like the shark

  38. like #51

  39. i will make a hot rod 🙂

  40. TOTALLY COOL!!!!!!!!!

  41. Why do I like these cars? Because they are awesome!!

  42. i made the USA car,sadly it is not on here….

  43. I loved all 126!:)

  44. It was awesome!!!

  45. I like them all alot, i’v never seen them like this! Why dont you try to make a ford gt for some more cool ones.

  46. meritbadge man 4793 // August 13, 2010 at 12:59 pm // Reply

    i cant wait to make one

  47. #52 sweat

  48. Happy scout // July 31, 2010 at 4:59 pm // Reply

    I enjoy the watermelon one hope he wins

  49. I think pinewood derby cars are rily cool!!!

  50. I think #51 looks really cool but, #1 not so much. i mean really a pokemon that is just plain wierd!!!

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