Six Pinewood Derby Cars That Will Make You Hungry!
Pinewood Derby isn’t always about the speed. Creativity counts for a lot. But there’s something about these creative Pinewood Derby cars that made us hungry, real fast! See for yourself! 1. The Sandwich Derby! They say Pappa was a rolling stone, but we’d rather chomp on this Rolling Hoagie! And is it just us or does that bread look shockingly real? From Instagrammer @jojosuds. 2. The Pizza Derby Finally a piece of pizza with the perfect amount of pepperoni! Oh never mind, it’s a Pinewood Derby car. From Instagrammer @thejoshstanley.
3. Mr. Speedbar Here’s the sequence of events in turning a candy bar wrapper into a Pinewood Derby decal. Instagrammer @camelcola denied where the actual chocolate went, however.
4. Ready for s’more? Here’s to hoping the track was made of graham crackers, and the landing pad was marshmallows! From Instagrammer @chipketelaar.
5. Breakfast to go. Well there went breakfast. Let’s just hope the dish didn’t run away with the spoon! From Instagrammer @lnlnguyen.
6. Breakfast on the double! It seems bacon and eggs might have been a theme this year. Let’s just hope that they were carried to the Pinewood Derby track in that pan! From Instagrammer @swankyswell