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You Make the Call Baseball Umpire Quiz

40 Comments on You Make the Call Baseball Umpire Quiz

  1. high school umpire // May 27, 2024 at 10:40 pm // Reply

    Count is 1-2, two outs. A runner on third starts toward home as the pitch is thrown. The batter bunts, the runner crosses home, but the bunt is foul.
    the runner must return to 3rd base and the count is now one ball 2 strikes
    I don’t get paid 70$ a game for fun

  2. 8/10 I argue with umps a lot so I told my parents they should jus5 start listening to my calls not the actual upms

  3. Way too easy.😌ha

  4. the first question is flat out wrong. essentially a “tie goes to the runner” ruling.

    the rulebook defines what it is to be safe, as saying the runner must arrive before the ball. anything else is an out.

    therefore, by rule the runner should be out, if he were tagged at the same time he hit the base. so please review question 1.

  5. 10/10 might have been the most easy umpire quiz that i have ever taken.

  6. to easy

  7. I don’t play baseball I got 60

  8. i am an actual umpire so am i cheating?

  9. 100% Nice

  10. All star ump 9/10

    • Really same, I got the call wrong that I can kick a manager out if they show their disagreement with my call. So I really made all the right calls, which one did you get wrong

  11. All-star ump baby

  12. Anonymous // May 3, 2022 at 4:19 pm // Reply

    Nice i’m a major league ump

  13. Anonymous // May 3, 2022 at 4:16 pm // Reply

    90% nice

  14. i love baseball

  15. 60 not bad seeing as i don’t play baseball

  16. 100% I’m 10

  17. Anonymous // May 10, 2021 at 6:59 pm // Reply

    50 that stinks

  18. Great learning tool!

  19. 70 which is good since the only baseball I’ve done was t-ball 6 years ago.

  20. Minor league ump with 60 percent but i havent played baseball in a while

  21. 50% I never watch baseball

  22. MagicCreeper987 // July 22, 2020 at 11:30 am // Reply

    60% works for me.

  23. Iluvechicken // July 2, 2020 at 8:59 am // Reply


  24. I got all star umpire but i have played bAseball for a long time

  25. rookie ump wich is BAD

  26. MLB Baby

  27. on first try i was a(n) minor league ump and im happy with that. i do not watch a lot of sports.

    • A lot depends on the situation. Was the catcher blocking the plate? There can never be a “same time.” You make the call on your judgement.

  28. Hate this

  29. MLB Umpire! #Braves4Life

  30. That ‘foul’ ball is fair..

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