How to buy a new fishing pole?
Q. Dear Gear Guy, I’m looking to buy a new fishing pole, but don’t know what qualities to look for in a rod. What do you recommend?
– Brad the Bass Hunter, Blackfoot, Idaho
A. Hey Brad. If you’re just getting into fishing, you’ll want to look for a simple spin-casting rod-and-reel package. It’s basically a rod with a push-button reel that releases the line when you press the button and cast. Expect to pay about $15 or $20 for one of those (comes with fishing line) at your local sporting goods store. If you plan on fishing along the shoreline or in places where there’s heavy tree cover, a simple cane pole or straight rod (without a reel) is the best choice. Beginners should generally avoid spinning rods and fly rods because they are tougher to use. You can definitely spend more for a higher quality rod and reel, but a basic spincaster will definitely do the trick. Happy fishing!
if you fish everyday for a life time
buy more expensive equipment it will preform better and also last a lot longer
but on a camping trip i will just bring fishing line, some bait, and hooks and just find a limber long stick as a “temporary” rod
If you are fishing for sunfish us a cane pole for all other fish use a rod and reel
If u get good move onto spinning as its not that hard, when ready for fun, try more complicated bait castering reels.
buy an ugly stik by shakeaspeare they are super strong
When you are looking at a fishing pole, look and see if it has a warrenty. Check how
sturdy it is. If it is cheap, it proboblay won’t las as long. The fishing merit badge book
will probably tell you what you need to know when you by a fishing pole.
i have been considering buying a fishing pole and i was woundering were to shop for qualty good prise poles
Cabelas is the place to go. they have a huge selection of rods and reels and the people there are nice and helpful. they will recommend one for you.