How to prevent chafing on the trail
Q. My troop just went on a weekend camp-out. After we climbed this big hill, I started chafing in my groin area. It itched so bad, it was really uncomfortable. My friends were making fun of me because I was adjusting my underwear all weekend. How do I prevent chafing?
— Chafed Chad, Belleville, Kan.
A. Ahhh, crotch rot! Don’t worry, Chad, you’re not alone. Even if your buddies don’t admit it, every guy has (or will have) problems with this. Chafing is often caused by poorly fitting clothes and/or sweating. So, wear a good pair of underwear that wicks sweat away from your body. Some guys prefer tight-fitting boxers that cover the inner thighs so there’s no skin-to-skin rubbing. High-quality underwear might seem expensive, but if you avoid chafing, it’s worth it.
Once on the trail, make sure to keep your body dry. Bring some baby powder with you. Just dump a handful into your palm then stick your hand in your pants and coat it all. Don’t skimp on the stuff. This powder will keep you dry and should soothe any chafing hot spots.
Udder Butter is another good product to prevent chafing.
If you’re using baby powder, use corn starch instead of talcum.
Of course, the quickest thing is to use Chapstick. Or any similar product. As soon as you feel the chafing start you can spread it and it will allow whatever is happening to survive the climbing/hiking, then you can do things like powder later.
Use Zinc Oxide. It’s a cream found in products like Balmex. You can put it on the night before your hike, and then in the morning. It provides a layer of protection in your groin which prevents moisture from building up. That along with underweare and pants that breath will keep you in good shape.
Like other people on this thread said I Anti Monkey Butt it contains calamine and talc powder to keep my skin dry while I am doing all my physical activities. You can buy it at common drug stores like Walgreens or CVS, it really is an amazing product!
In hot weather make sure you wear pants that breath. I really like the rip-stop scout pants. You can unzip the legs to make shorts and keep cool when there is no underbrush.
Petroleum jelly. Period.
I agree. I have run 10+ ultramarathons including 2 50 milers and it is all about finding the right shorts and using Vaseline. I am also an Eagle Scout and Army veteran. When hiking and camping basic stuff you can get away with using powders to stay dry. But if you are running or through hiking distances you gotta wear the right clothes and keep the gears oiled.
Remember to be “Bear Aware” when it comes to using these various remedies. Putting on scented items in the afternoon could create another problem
Bag balm. Get it at tractor supply. Used for cow udders to prevent chafing and getting raw. Works great. A little goes a long way.
Plenty of athletic undies that help protect thighs and groin. Trail Toes though works amazing for any friction spots, including thighs and groin area.
I used all the things you all mentioned the best thing I found now is deodorant im a garbage man and this even works in the rain