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How to beat the stink when camping

clean-200x148Brian, a 17-year-old Eagle Scout from Troop 965 in Chicago, whips through his daily grooming routine and feels clean all day.

But when he went on a long camping trip to New Mexico, things got dicey.

“I got one shower every seven days. In between, I needed to do whatever would make things bearable,” Brian says.

Dallas Shewmaker, owner of, a camping-supplies rental company, offers these hygiene tips for campers:

Carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your pocket and use it frequently — especially after going to the bathroom and before eating.

Rub down with isopropyl alcohol on cotton balls each night. Make sure you hit underarms, feet and groin areas.

Don’t wash your hands in a standing pool of water. Often, the water will have more bacteria than your hands.

Carry at least two pairs of socks. Wash out one pair each night.

Carry a small bottle of biodegradable soap to give yourself an occasional sponge bath.

Using antiperspirant in the backcountry is generally not recommended. Scents attract animals and bugs. But if you do, make sure it’s unscented.

Carry a travel-size toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss — and use them often.

10 Comments on How to beat the stink when camping

  1. Instead of rubbing down with alcohol, I would suggest carrying a bottle of raw apple cider vinegar and use that – it kills bacteria, and is less abrasive on the skin. You can even put it in a small spray bottle (around 2 or 3 ounces) and just spray it on.

  2. A Scout is Clean.

  3. Those are good tips but i like being dirty.Its the best part of camping.

  4. but i don’t know how to take an outdoor shower without a shower!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁

  5. A small package of antibacterial moist towelettes such as “Wet Ones Big Ones” work great. They’re lightweight and take up almost no room. Make sure to pack the used ones back out!

  6. i love the outdoors

  7. using deodorant really helps!! Luckily my dad bought a portable shower so all you have to do is put it in a bucket of water and you have a shower!!!

  8. Personally I’d have to go withwebelowon

  9. Modest Camper 778 // August 18, 2009 at 11:09 am // Reply

    One way is to always volunteer to wash the dishes after meals. Liquid Dishwashing soap (such as Lemon Fresh Joy Dishwashing Liquid or another liquid dishwashing soap such as Palmolive liquid soap) can really keep the stink down and is not very harsh when disposed of in discarded wash water areas of the campsite. A great way to keep the stink out when camping is to “bucket Bathe” by washing yourself without removing all of your clothing such as with a shower.

  10. thats just gross lava scout

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