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Take the Pledge to be Tobacco Free



Enter the Trail of Courage Giveaway!

Take the pledge to say “No” to tobacco and enter for a chance to win an all-expenses paid trip to a BSA high-adventure base of your choice. You could also win a Garmin GPS watch or a GoPro camera. Enter today!

Congratulations! By making the right decision right now, you have taken a huge step along the Trail of Courage.

Remaining tobacco-free is an important part of your promise to be physically strong and mentally awake. The Trail of Courage will help in your efforts to be ScoutStrong and keep your body healthy and strong.

Use the information on this page to help you continue your tobacco-free journey.

9 Easy Ways to Say No

Be Prepared to say no to tobacco. It’s easier to say no if you’ve decided ahead of time how you’ll respond. Here are 9 suggestions:

– Take a stand and stick up for yourself.
– Say no, and warn about the consequences.
– Say no, but try to add a little humor to your refusal.
– Steer clear and avoid the pressure.
– Say no, and change the subject or suggest something else.
– Reverse the pressure, put on a little pressure of your own.
– Say no, and walk away with no explanation.
– Say no, and ask a question.
– Say no, and give a reason for your refusal.

How will you say no?

Run for Your Life on the Trail of Courage

Stay on the path of health and avoid harmful substances as you Run for Your Life on the Trail of Courage.

Stay on the path of health and avoid harmful substances as you Run for Your Life on the Trail of Courage.

Trail of Courage Discussion Guide

During your high adventure trek, each Ranger will discuss the Trail of Courage — Right Decisions/Right Now program with the crew, using a Discussion Guide. The Ranger encourages each member of the crew to make the Pledge at the end of their trek. The Crew Leaders will continue to guide their crews in meaningful discussions during the remainder of the trek using this Discussion Guide as a resource.

Click here to download the Trail of Courage discussion guide.

Trail of Courage Quiz

How Does Tobacco Affect Your Body?

Every time you smoke a cigarette, you breathe in ammonia, arsenic, butane, cadmium, ethanol, toluene, and more. Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 different chemicals, 37 of which cause cancer. Smokeless tobacco, too is deadly, containing cancer-causing substances.

It’s no surprise that tobacco use leads to one of every five deaths in the United States. Tobacco kills more Americans than HIV/AIDS, alcohol, illegal drugs, car wrecks, suicide, and murder combined.

You’ve probably heard that smoking causes lung cancer. But did you know that tobacco attacks nearly every part your body?

Click on the poster to the right for a rundown of some of the damage tobacco does.

More Useful Links

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
National Institute on Drug Abuse
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
American Lung Association