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Write a funny caption for this video

Boys’ Life photography editor W. Garth Dowling shot this funny video while working on a story about Eagle Scout and sled dog racer Matt Failor. We thought it would be perfect for our first-ever video caption contest.

So you tell us. What’s going on in this video? What are those puppies doing and what are they really thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this video, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read. The funniest captions will be featured in the June 2015 issue of Boys’ Life magazine.

Click here to write captions for more funny photos.

50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this video

  1. Scouttrooper360 // March 4, 2018 at 12:58 pm // Reply


  2. Jedi_Scout13 // February 28, 2018 at 4:17 pm // Reply

    Sharing Is caring, Buddy!

  3. I’ll take this thank you.

  4. ME FIRST!! NO ME FIRST!! WHICH ONE’S MINE!!? WHO CARES!! (Boys!!!) oops.

  5. where’s the food, give me the FOOD!:)

  6. Billy boy // May 19, 2017 at 8:12 pm // Reply

    They won’t stop until they devour everything!!!

  7. Dog 1: FOOD!!!! Dog 2: MINE! Dog 3:NO, MINE! DOG 5:awww, man! it’s all gone!

  8. FOOD FIGHT!!!!!!!!!

  9. That is what hunger looks like!

  10. Hey bro, how many bowls can you eat without taking a breath?

  11. what no dersert

  12. Wait a minute . . . There were, like, three bowls of food here a second ago . . . Where did they go? WHERE DID THE FOOD GO???

  13. co--on the gaga gui // February 9, 2017 at 7:10 pm // Reply

    no my food

  14. Don’t watch. This could get messy.

  15. FOOD FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

  16. MarshmallowKing // December 10, 2016 at 4:14 pm // Reply

    “It’s clean up time!”


  18. charrrrrge

  19. Instead of a food bowl its a food rush!

  20. THIS IS WAR!!!!!!

  21. TravelByTrain // November 23, 2016 at 12:07 pm // Reply

    This is why I prefer cats.

  22. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) // November 20, 2016 at 6:57 pm // Reply

    My food bowl!

  23. This is war.

  24. karatemastero // November 6, 2016 at 9:37 am // Reply


  25. ladies and gentlemen let the 76th Hunger Games begin!!!

  26. The Hunger Games.

  27. hey!that’s my food!

  28. Scouting is awesome! // October 13, 2016 at 5:36 pm // Reply


  29. It’s the hunger games all over again!

  30. Hey why are you stealing my food!

  31. This one has……. FOOOD This one has… FOOOOD!!!! AaAAAAAAAAAAA!!! hey look a cat is coming to eat us!!!!!

  32. Anonymous // July 2, 2016 at 5:25 pm // Reply


  33. FOOD!!!!!

  34. sharing is caring! i guess there not caring

  35. FOOD FRENZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. FOOD FRENZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. CHARGE!

  38. CHARGE!!!!

  39. Get out Phil it’s MINE!

  40. skywalker0003 // March 22, 2016 at 9:48 pm // Reply

    NEWS:Who will get the most dog food? Hope it does not turn into a food fight!

  41. mega monster biesijac000 // February 23, 2016 at 8:45 pm // Reply

    just like me exept i dont attack my food

  42. YUM YUM

  43. BrosaANd arrows // February 6, 2016 at 11:17 am // Reply

    You have meat your match!

  44. Give me. Get out of the way move it move it doggie patrol coming through.


  46. On your mark get se- wooooof!

  47. Mine’s the gray one. They’re all gray. WHAT”D I DO!

  48. Chow hounds. =l

  49. RUN!!!!!! DOG STAMPEDE!!!!!!

  50. pups_eat_kibble // December 1, 2015 at 8:31 pm // Reply

    It’s here! It’s here! Wait… which one has bacon bits?! Or cat bits?! Or…or…or..or bits?!

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