Video of a Super-Fast Pinewood Derby Track
Cub Scouts competing in a pinewood derby in Indiana didn’t get to see much of the action. The giant track made the cars zip by so fast, you could only hear them.
The Crossroads of America Council built the track inside the Indiana State Museum. The track was more than two stories tall and 125 feet long — almost as long as a Boeing 737 airplane.
man! those cars go so fast! i hope i’ll get 1st place at this year’s derby
that was so fast! It’s fun to go see the cars.
mine is faster than the speed ofv light
that was fast
Wow,thats a pretty long track!!!
they should make a HUMONGOUS track down the empire state building and see how it goes
that track is so cool I cant even tell you how fast it went!
I’m the sister of a cub scout who will be having his 1st race in a couple weeks. I think it looks fun!