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Share your Eagle Scout service project ideas

Looking for ideas for a good Eagle Scout service project? Wondering what type of Eagle Scout projects that other Scouts are doing? Use this message board to share ideas or tell others about your Eagle project.

Remember, all Eagle Scout service projects are important, but no two are exactly alike. It’ll be up to you to find the right project for you, but these might help you get thinking.

We’ve started the conversation with six examples from the March 2010 issue of Boys’ Life magazine. Take a look and then share your own.

86 Comments on Share your Eagle Scout service project ideas

  1. The Doctor // May 22, 2015 at 12:51 pm // Reply

    My original plan for my Eagle Scout project was to build a shade maker for our town’s Community Garden.

  2. mega boss5 // May 18, 2015 at 11:09 am // Reply

    hey 301 what about a fun raiser to donate to a orphanage

  3. mega boss5 // May 18, 2015 at 11:07 am // Reply

    to paint the out side of a bulding

  4. I’m thinking of starting my eagle project, I’m 13 and I’m not really into that many things except for Boy Scouts. I’m looking for some good project ideas because my goals in life right now are mainly to get eagle. Any ideas, if so please help me. Thanks!

  5. Bird_Helper // March 9, 2015 at 9:31 am // Reply

    I built a 12 x 8 x 8 cage used to rehabilitate injured birds at a local state park. The park gave me the specifications the aviary needed to be and I sought advice from a Civil Engineer about the best way to build it. I had many scouts helping the day of the build. It came out great.

    • If I raised money through a fun run and donated the money to my school to help build a track, do y’all think it would be approved.

  6. any ideas for a school oriented eagle project? I live near a poor school and I would like my eagle project to help that school.

  7. Would a community vegetables garden at an elementary school be a good idea

  8. He just delivered 101 pieces of sports equipment that was collected from around our neighborhood and donated them to the Juvenile Detention Department in our community. He is hoping these kids will find a hobby or interest that will help them choose better,

  9. Its amazing

  10. AttentionScouts // July 25, 2014 at 2:57 pm // Reply

    ive got an idea for a great project. Building cement ramps for disabled and wheelchair accessibility in LA AREA. total of 9 ramps, about 4 inches high that would have to be completed in a series of availability based on vacancy of rooms.

  11. Do you guys think that creating works of art (painting or drawing) and distributing them to local businesses and the schools in my town would be approved?

  12. Do you guys think that building a new pinewood derby track for the cub scouts would be approved?

    • I do not think the project can benefit the BSA, but maybe it would be approved if it’s done as a donation to the Pack’s chartering organization (church, school, etc). Good luck!

    • dude it doesn’t have to benefit the BSA

  13. my eagle scout project was building bird houses at my local elementary school

  14. my eagle scout project is to put 2 tables with seats and have the benches lean back and then add a placker of scoutmaster,my name, the other placker will have all the scouts names and there rank.

  15. the crusher 1122 // October 10, 2013 at 9:16 pm // Reply

    I filled over one hundred shoe boxes with toiletries, small toys and back to school products with the help of about twenty people at a packing party. I solicited donations through the congregation at church. Through Operation Christmas Child, the wrapped and filled shoe boxes will go to boys and girls ages 2-14 in countries affected by war, famine and/or poverty. National Collection Week is November 18-25th.

  16. Is there a sample letter or template available that I can use to ask local businesses for donations of money or materials for my Eagle Project?

  17. SeniorLeader // July 13, 2013 at 10:21 pm // Reply

    My Eagle project is a concrete barbecue area with a privacy fence around it for a homeless shelter. I’m building it because it will really bring the people in the shelter together with fellowship and what’s better way to do that than with food?

  18. What about a spaghetti dinner?
    Would that work as an eagle scout project?

  19. i want to donate clothes to needy people all around the world but i need some more big ideas i want to do something spetial that no one has ever done before and please if you read this give me some sort of idea i can use please and porfavor DONT STEEL MY IDEA

  20. Eagleboy // May 2, 2013 at 6:29 pm // Reply

    I have constructed a trellis at a local park. It took 6 months to complete it and it was around $32,000 to build

  21. Thx boys life! I love ur magazine. I’m going to create a directory for my local cemetery, along with adding benches and refurbishing any headstones in disrepair

  22. qwerty@waz // April 16, 2013 at 6:55 pm // Reply

    A kid in my troop moved a clothing bank. It only took two days.

  23. My eagle project involved making and mounting bat houses in my local community park.

    • causei can // April 5, 2013 at 4:13 pm // Reply

      if any1 can answer this it would be gr8. can funding consist of asking companys for money because my dad is a company owner and gets a lot of eagle scout canidates asking 4 money

      • Eagle in space // May 29, 2013 at 3:17 pm //

        My Counsel allows boys to ask companies for donations to help with Eagel Scout Projects. However, the “actual” project itself can not be a fundraiser. Raising funds to do the project and figuring out how to aquire the funds need for the project is a leadership skill. There are lots of companies out there that are willing to help, some do require a non-profit number (of the beneficiary) in order to get donations. Hope that helps.

      • ScoutMike // March 24, 2014 at 5:03 pm //

        There are specific guidelines and forms involved with raising funds for an Eagle Scout project, and every penny must be accounted for. But they are an absolutely acceptable and often necessary part of an Eagle project (just not the entire project).

      • anonymous // March 25, 2014 at 7:05 pm //

        no, but you can ask them for money to help with your eagle project

  24. I am planning on installing an inground irrigation system in the front lawn of a maternity home for women in crisis pregnancies.

  25. Proud Mom of and Eagle Scout // March 13, 2012 at 9:51 pm // Reply

    My son when to a local wildlife rehabilitation facility. They were hopeing to get a injured golden eagle but needed to get the facility ready and get permits. He researched the requirments for housing an golden eagle, and built a new habitat for this injured bird. A new Eagle Scout build a home for a Eagle….. awesome project and a lot of fun.

  26. Eagle_of_STEELE // March 4, 2012 at 6:08 pm // Reply

    For my Eagle Project, I organized a hope walk for a lady who had Breast Cancer and I raised Breast Cancer Awareness in my community. It was a lot of work and it was a really unique project. I did it because I am interested in the medical field and also my Grandma is a Breast Cancer survivor.
    For all who are looking for a project, do something you like to do! If you don’t want to build a trail outside, then don’t do it!

    • Mark in Sallina // August 21, 2012 at 10:55 pm // Reply

      We have a scout in our Tropp trying to do something like this. Could you give me more details on your project? How many people were involved in the walk and how did you demostrate results or outcomes?

  27. TheatreScout // January 19, 2012 at 8:22 pm // Reply

    I am really into the theatre arts. There aren’t a lot of community theatres where I live. It could be a cool thing for the community or something. I don’t know if I could do something for school, I’m not sure, and it would have to be acceptable for the requirements. I also would enjoy doing something for animals. It should also be something where I don’t need a lot of funds or fundraising

  28. i need ideas on what i should do for a project..

    • Pick soomething that you would enjoy doing. Not something that you would consider a chore.

    • •ƒr£d• // January 29, 2012 at 7:31 pm // Reply

      I want to do something that’s not the same old building something out of wood or scooping dirt. But idk where to start….

      • My son did a coat drive for his school. We see a kid who walked to school every day and didn’t have a coat, so we went to the school and asked if we could donate coats for kids in need, then asked the library, and town hall if we could put a donate box there. We placed boxes every where we could, then contacted the news papers. After they ran his story we had thousands of coats donated, which we donated to 8 schools in need.

      • charito // May 31, 2013 at 10:40 am //

        same here buddy but ive been planing to donate clothes all around the world and get clothes from neghbors churches and family members but i need more ideas i want to do something that will stun the world a project that will go on the news i want to be the kid of the 2013 eagle project of the year…..

  29. future eagle // July 8, 2011 at 12:53 pm // Reply

    for my project i am going to our parish cemetary and replacing all the old broken headstones any suggestions for anything else

    • PROFFESAPIXLES // July 16, 2014 at 12:05 pm // Reply

      You could also polish all of the tombstones. I would just make sure that you would not have anyone get upset at you.

  30. Bear_hoops // May 21, 2010 at 6:37 pm // Reply

    I’m into sports and physical activities. Any ideas of how to incorporate this with my eagle project??

  31. For my project, I did a Blood Drive. I had Scouts recruiting donors, setting up, checking in donors, and running the refreshment table. If you choose this idea, however, please be prepared to discuss with your District/Council Advancement Person how this shows leadership, as there are times when Blood Banks choose to run on their ownMine took 2 meetings to work out). A corrollary to this rule is to reinforce the aspect of Scout-Led Project with the Blood Bank.

  32. Glad to see that there are some substantial projects here. I was disappointed to see on the NESA site an “Eagle” project that consisted of folding miniature flags and mailing them out. Not a lot of planning or leadership there! Kudos to those committees that maintain a high standard for Eagle!

    • Eaglescout Mom // August 15, 2011 at 10:18 am // Reply

      This project takes lots of leadership and shows citizenty, patriotism, and appreciation that directly benefits hundreds of appreciative servicemen who lay their lives for our freedom everyday. An Eagle Scout Project does not have to involve a hammer and nails to be worthwhile or substantial.

  33. We had a project where the scout built a volleyball court at a church and held competetoons during the summer. He eraracked the official dimensions of the court and we laid it out marking the lines un the turf.

  34. Eagle Scout // March 17, 2010 at 8:49 am // Reply

    I worked with an environmental facility for my Eagle project. I wrote a trail guide complete with pictures and maps, asked local companies to donate signs and wood so we could label trees on the route and such. It was a fun project completed in 2005 and they still use the trail today.

  35. Jayhawk924 // March 17, 2010 at 8:46 am // Reply

    My son build a Saloon Front for the Cowboy Action Range at our local Public Shooting Range. It was the first of several stations built for the Cowboy Action Range. We built the majority of the structure during our “Shooting” campout.
    Another scout used the same weekend to do his service project by organizing our scouts and Cowboy Action Volunteers to clean up the area to be used by the range. They filled a big roll-off container with trash and debris. The area was formerly part of the landfill.

  36. Bostonian For Life // March 17, 2010 at 8:43 am // Reply

    I planned, publicized and collected over 400 canned goods for our local food pantry during the “Patriots Day Parade” which was telivised in the Boston area.

  37. Eagle to Eagle // March 17, 2010 at 8:19 am // Reply

    When my son joined tiger cubs he told me that he was going to be an eagle scout and Austin new exactly what he wanted to do for his project. He was going to build an eagle cage for his eagle. Well eight years later did. Working with our local raptor rehabilitation center, Austin (and troop 514 of course) built an 8′ X 12′ X 10′ cage to house raptors from eagles to owls as they recover before being released back into the wild.

  38. EagleScout45 // March 17, 2010 at 8:07 am // Reply

    I completely redid the lighting/electrical system in my old elementary schools auditorium/gym for my second grade teachers opera program that she’s put on with the second graders for over 15 years. Some of the second graders even volunteered to help me.

  39. momma of an eagle scout // March 17, 2010 at 8:05 am // Reply

    build a labrynth at your local church- (son #1) build something useful for your local theater troupe (wardrobes for costumes and inventory costumes) (son #2) or construct a garden with a peace pole for your local community center (son #3)

  40. My cousin went on a trail (with permission) and put up signs to what kind of tree it is

  41. camper 532 // March 3, 2010 at 5:28 pm // Reply

    one of the boys in my troop added a bench area on a bike trail near a golf green. he added concrete and benches, then planted flowers around it. it turned out really nice

  42. Have a monument or statue in your town that is in an almost shameful state. Go to city hall and try to get some kids to help refubish it. Polish a statue. Repaint a famous building

    • Jax — my understanding is that “refurbishment” or repair, etc. does not qualify for an Eagle project. I think it has to be something totally new.

      • EagleScout93 // March 12, 2010 at 2:29 pm //

        Actualy you can because alot of people paint old fire hydrants 🙂

      • future eagle // July 8, 2011 at 12:58 pm //

        actually u canrefurbish things if it is a large enough job my friend refurbish a park for his eagle scout project and it took him over a year

      • the point of an Eagle Project isnt to necessarily have the best idea but “to show leadership” its not about the time, its not about the idea or how many people show up. It is about showing and using your leadership skills in a self run community service project. which in my eyes is anything that benefits the community…if it is refurbishing that helps an area of your downtown community look cleaner…then that is a project.

  43. swamp fox again, A helpful tip is to all ways have a back up plane if things go wrong.

  44. Paul K from Troop 202 of Lombard, IL talked to the pastor at his parish and found that the parish really wanted a rose garden. Paul and his volunteers removed some deeply-rooted evergreen bushes, planted about 30 rose bushes, and mulched the area.

    • I designed and landscaped the front of the church I attended as a youth for my Eagle Service Project. One huge benefit of this was the extra volunteers I had that came from the church members.

  45. Paul D. from Troop 5 of Picayune, Miss., and his team repaired a deck over a bog at the Crosby Arboretum. An arboretum is like an outdoor museum that protects and displays trees and other plants. Paul’s team replaced rotten boards and beams and secured planks that had popped out of place. They created a larger opening in the deck to give the trees more room to grow and gave the deck a good pressure wash. Fast-growing cypress trees were causing some of the damage by pushing the boards loose from underneath. Paul’s guys cut back the troublesome cypress knee roots.

    • My Cub Scout Den was there when the Boys from Troop 5 were working at the Crosby Arboretum. The older scouts were great! They talked to the younger boys – answering questions about what they were doing and why. It was really encouraging to my den – the boys started thinking about what they would do for their Eagle projects.

  46. Matt G. from Troop 23 of Bemidji, Minn., and his crew built a 360-foot floating boardwalk at Rice Lake. Two of the toughest parts of the project were getting all the lumber down a steep hill to the lakeside, and making sure the new boardwalk was straight and level. Now visitors are able to use the boardwalk to access the lake to go fishing, harvest wild rice and enjoy other recreational activities. Before Matt showed up, people had to tromp through a swampy area.

  47. Joseph K. from Troop 603 of Pensacola, Fla., and his friends replaced mile markers and signs along a trail used by walkers and runners on Naval Air Station Pensacola. The trail had 10 signs that were supposed to describe different types of nearby trees and shrubs, but some signs were nowhere near the proper plants. Joseph installed new signs and made sure they were near the plants they described.

  48. Nikolas L. from Troop 493 of Virginia Beach, Va., and his volunteers created a large sunclock at his old grade school, Alanton Elementary School, so the students there could learn how time was kept in ancient times. They laid colorful glass mosaic stepping stones on the ground, marking the months and hours. It’s a human sundial. When students step on the proper month, their shadows point to the correct time. Nikolas got the plans from Scotland, but he had to plot his sunclock using the exact latitude and longitude coordinates for the school.

  49. Pat C. from Troop 47 of Menomonie, Wis., and his guys built 28 benches for the stage at the Dunn County Fair. First they took apart an existing bench and used it to make a pattern for the new benches. They engraved the names of other service organizations and local businesses that contributed money for the project on the backs of the benches. Now more people can sit and relax to watch the entertainment.

  50. Caz A. from Troop 9 of Fresno, Calif., and his volunteers remodeled a chapel at Mount Ararat Cemetery in Fresno. They replaced doors, windows and light fixtures. They also installed drywall and carpeting, and rebuilt the bathrooms and air-conditioning and heating systems. They finished the job by repainting the inside and outside of the chapel. The job cost $35,000.

    • @ Boys’ Life. Where did Caz A. get the $35,000? I thought Eagle scouts are expected to finance their own project, and most people can’t invest $35,000 into their Eagle project. I am looking for a project that involves more boys, and is more inclusive. I am not particularly interested in building something because I know that there are only so many tools available and many of the boys end up running around unfocused.

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