Share your Eagle Scout service project ideas
Looking for ideas for a good Eagle Scout service project? Wondering what type of Eagle Scout projects that other Scouts are doing? Use this message board to share ideas or tell others about your Eagle project.
Remember, all Eagle Scout service projects are important, but no two are exactly alike. It’ll be up to you to find the right project for you, but these might help you get thinking.
We’ve started the conversation with six examples from the March 2010 issue of Boys’ Life magazine. Take a look and then share your own.
For my project, I did a Blood Drive. I had Scouts recruiting donors, setting up, checking in donors, and running the refreshment table. If you choose this idea, however, please be prepared to discuss with your District/Council Advancement Person how this shows leadership, as there are times when Blood Banks choose to run on their ownMine took 2 meetings to work out). A corrollary to this rule is to reinforce the aspect of Scout-Led Project with the Blood Bank.
Glad to see that there are some substantial projects here. I was disappointed to see on the NESA site an “Eagle” project that consisted of folding miniature flags and mailing them out. Not a lot of planning or leadership there! Kudos to those committees that maintain a high standard for Eagle!
This project takes lots of leadership and shows citizenty, patriotism, and appreciation that directly benefits hundreds of appreciative servicemen who lay their lives for our freedom everyday. An Eagle Scout Project does not have to involve a hammer and nails to be worthwhile or substantial.
We had a project where the scout built a volleyball court at a church and held competetoons during the summer. He eraracked the official dimensions of the court and we laid it out marking the lines un the turf.
I worked with an environmental facility for my Eagle project. I wrote a trail guide complete with pictures and maps, asked local companies to donate signs and wood so we could label trees on the route and such. It was a fun project completed in 2005 and they still use the trail today.
My son build a Saloon Front for the Cowboy Action Range at our local Public Shooting Range. It was the first of several stations built for the Cowboy Action Range. We built the majority of the structure during our “Shooting” campout.
Another scout used the same weekend to do his service project by organizing our scouts and Cowboy Action Volunteers to clean up the area to be used by the range. They filled a big roll-off container with trash and debris. The area was formerly part of the landfill.
I planned, publicized and collected over 400 canned goods for our local food pantry during the “Patriots Day Parade” which was telivised in the Boston area.
When my son joined tiger cubs he told me that he was going to be an eagle scout and Austin new exactly what he wanted to do for his project. He was going to build an eagle cage for his eagle. Well eight years later did. Working with our local raptor rehabilitation center, Austin (and troop 514 of course) built an 8′ X 12′ X 10′ cage to house raptors from eagles to owls as they recover before being released back into the wild.
I completely redid the lighting/electrical system in my old elementary schools auditorium/gym for my second grade teachers opera program that she’s put on with the second graders for over 15 years. Some of the second graders even volunteered to help me.
build a labrynth at your local church- (son #1) build something useful for your local theater troupe (wardrobes for costumes and inventory costumes) (son #2) or construct a garden with a peace pole for your local community center (son #3)
My cousin went on a trail (with permission) and put up signs to what kind of tree it is