Share your Eagle Scout service project ideas
Looking for ideas for a good Eagle Scout service project? Wondering what type of Eagle Scout projects that other Scouts are doing? Use this message board to share ideas or tell others about your Eagle project.
Remember, all Eagle Scout service projects are important, but no two are exactly alike. It’ll be up to you to find the right project for you, but these might help you get thinking.
We’ve started the conversation with six examples from the March 2010 issue of Boys’ Life magazine. Take a look and then share your own.
My original plan for my Eagle Scout project was to build a shade maker for our town’s Community Garden.
hey 301 what about a fun raiser to donate to a orphanage
to paint the out side of a bulding
They won’t approve a fundraiser.
I’m thinking of starting my eagle project, I’m 13 and I’m not really into that many things except for Boy Scouts. I’m looking for some good project ideas because my goals in life right now are mainly to get eagle. Any ideas, if so please help me. Thanks!
I built a 12 x 8 x 8 cage used to rehabilitate injured birds at a local state park. The park gave me the specifications the aviary needed to be and I sought advice from a Civil Engineer about the best way to build it. I had many scouts helping the day of the build. It came out great.
If I raised money through a fun run and donated the money to my school to help build a track, do y’all think it would be approved.
Wording like that? No. But I think you have the starts of a good idea.
any ideas for a school oriented eagle project? I live near a poor school and I would like my eagle project to help that school.
Would a community vegetables garden at an elementary school be a good idea
He just delivered 101 pieces of sports equipment that was collected from around our neighborhood and donated them to the Juvenile Detention Department in our community. He is hoping these kids will find a hobby or interest that will help them choose better,
Its amazing
ive got an idea for a great project. Building cement ramps for disabled and wheelchair accessibility in LA AREA. total of 9 ramps, about 4 inches high that would have to be completed in a series of availability based on vacancy of rooms.