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8 Themes for a Blue and Gold Your Cub Scouts Will Love!

By now you’ve seen that when it comes to personal flare, Blue and Gold banquets, quite literally, take the cake! But beyond the batter and frosting, we’ve seen creative themes and amazing decorations across the Scouting world for the big BSA birthday bash that comes every February. Sure it’s fun to do a Star Wars theme, and Cub Scouts love it, but if you are considering incorporating a different, or new theme into your Pack’s Blue and Gold banquet, here are 8 others that we think are the bees knees.

1.Ā LEGO my Blue and Gold!


Everything really is awesome when you combine a popular toy with a hit movie that boys of a certain Cub Scout age love. A LEGO party for Blue and Gold is a way to celebrate the character “building” that Scouting is. If you can “snap” it together, it’s sure to be a “block” buster hit!

2. Blue and Gold the Future!


Bring the Jetsons back to your Cub Scout’sĀ imagination, with robotic flare and futuristic decor. It might take some work but it’s the kind of stuff that everyone can participate in. Robots and Space-themed Blue and Gold banquets can reach the stars. Now, whether or not you serve space food and dehydrated cake, well that’s your call.

3.Ā Birthday Party Blue and Gold!


Blue and Gold celebrates the birth of Scouting after all, so why not celebrate your Blue and Gold like it’s meant to be:Ā a Birthday Party! Presents, balloons, games, bows and ribbon, every body loves a birthday party, now the Cub Scouts can throw one for the team, the Scouting team!

4. Blue and Gold Camping Party!


OutsideĀ life is at the core of Scouting, so why not bring a bit of great outdoorsĀ to the big annual banquet with a Camping theme? We’ve seen marshmallow roasting tables at Blue and Gold banquets, and we’re sure if you includeĀ some storytelling as part of the evening’s entertainment, all you’ll miss is the campfire. Well, actually, there’s a cake for that!

5. The (Blue and) Gold Standard.


Elegant. Classic. Definitely the gold standard belle of the ball are the colors that started it all. Essentially a built-in theme! It’s fun to go to town with everything from plates and forks, to streamers and balloons in a festive Blue and Gold array.

6. A Night at the Movies, Featuring: Blue and Gold!

Night at the Movies

Star Wars, LEGO, it’s fun to make Blue and Gold a movie theme, but what about a theme that’s all about going to the movies? Turn your banquet hall into a Silver Screen Cinematic paradise. With popcorn, old-fashioned reels and movie tickets. This theme is especially great if (as we’ve seen some of you do) you present a slide show or video of your Pack’s memories from the previous year.

7. Minions of Cub Scouts Love Blue and Gold!


“Despicable Me” started a Minion revolution, and these little creatures could not be more perfectly dressed for a Blue and Gold banquet. Already clad in Cub Scout colors, there are endless Pinterest ideas for incorporating Minions into all kinds of edible crafts and activities, it’s one theme that’s sure to be deliciously “despicable.”

8. Wanted! A Western Blue and Gold Theme!


Live on the wild side by bringing the Wild Wild West to your Blue and Gold shindig! “WANTED” posters with a big mug shot of each Cub Scout is a rambunctious way to set the mood. Fire up the mess hall with chili and hot dogs, and you have yourself a feast fit for the O.K. Corral. Once again, Pinterest is chock-full of ideas for your Western-themed Blue and Gold banquet.

While Cub Scouts is full of fun activities throughout the year, there’s only one Blue and Gold. Make sure it’s one that your Cub Scouts will enjoy! Head on over to our Pinterest page to check out our Blue and Gold pin boards with all of these and more ideas for themes, decorations, food and planning tips.