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Robot jokes

Robotics isn’t all serious. It can also be the source of some pretty funny jokes.

Laugh at some of the robot jokes below, and then send us some of your own.

Send us your favorite robot joke

A book never written:
ā€œArtificial Intelligenceā€ by Anne Droid.
Submitted by David F.

Jack: Why was the robot angry?
Ben: Beats me.
Jack: Because someone kept pushing his buttons!
Submitted by Jack D.

Ron: What is a robotā€™s favorite type of music?
John: I really donā€™t know.
Ron: Heavy metal!
Submitted by Edward C.

Ben: How many robots does it take to screw in a light bulb?
John: I havenā€™ t a clue.
Ben: Three ā€” one to hold the bulb, and two to turn the ladder!
Submitted by Ben B.

Griffin: Why did the robot go back to robot school?
Brent: Tell me.
Griffin: Because his skills were getting a little rusty!
Submitted by Griffin B.

Lance: What do you get when you cross a robot and a tractor?
Luke: Dunno. What?
Lance: A trans-farmer!

A book never written: ā€œAll About Robotsā€ by Cy Borg.

Billy: What did the man say to his dead robot?
Bob: What?
Billy: ā€œRust in peace.ā€

11 Comments on Robot jokes

  1. All these Robot jokes

    I’m nuts and bolts about them all

  2. help me, i cant find the way out

  3. I need some large funny conversations between a robot and a human

  4. I need some large funny conversations…

  5. I want a funny conversation between robot and human being

  6. so funny

  7. RichTheKiddDonJayyy // April 5, 2016 at 7:51 am // Reply

    Jay-Why did the robot get fired from his job as a mechanic?
    Quin-Idk why?
    Jay-Cause he was using all the oil!!!

  8. these comments are hillarious and so are the jokes. Don’t listen to all of the haters i also used them and had the whole class laughing.

  9. Awesome I love it so much


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