Robotics resources
One of the best places to find the latest on various robotics competitions is, the website of the Robotics Education and Competitions Foundation. The foundation exists to connect students, mentors, and schools in every community, and its site can connect you to competitive events, workshops, camps, conferences and more.
Check your local universities and museums. Many provide the public and Scouts with workshops and special opportunities to learn about robotics. In addition, organizations and groups such as the 4-H, city recreational groups, Mad Science and ID-Tech Camps can also provide workshops and camps in areas like robotics.
Here are a few examples:
Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy
Pittsburgh, Pa.Science and Engineering Education Center at the University of Texas at Dallas (SEEC)
Dallas, Tex.National Center for Robotics Engineering and Technology Education (NCRETE)
California University of PennsylvaniaRobotics Outreach at Lincoln Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
There is a wealth of information to assist you on the topic of robotics. The first reference is your Robotic merit badge pamphlet, which provides a good overview and list of additional resources. The Robotics merit badge pamphlet is available at your local Scout shop or online at
In addition to the links above, here are some other websites that might be helpful. All helped the Boy Scouts of America in creating the Robotics merit badge:
Do i need a robot kitt fpr this merit badge and do we need it?
cant wait till camp, im doing this badege!
this is fun!!
Mn the robotics badge lookscool