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Chest Press


A few keys to remember:

· Progress gradually. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Listen to your body. When you need a rest, rest.

· A solid program must train both the upper and lower body.

· Know why you are performing each exercise. Set goals and lift weights because you want to, not because someone wants you to.

· Always breathe during a repetition and go through a full range of motion.

· Always consult with your family doctor before beginning any new exercise program.

10 Comments on Chest Press

  1. Does this really work the front of your chest? it feels more like its working my arms

  2. I can lift 250 lb. Beat that

  3. 710 lbs.

  4. out door man // March 26, 2008 at 8:38 pm // Reply

    who cares as long as your really working out

  5. I can lift 210 lbs

  6. I can do 100lb

  7. Wow I couldn’t lift that much don’t call me names please.

  8. I can do a 100lb

  9. i can do 110lbs

  10. i can do 50lb.

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