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Pedro’s Flight Academy

Train with Pedro as he pilots his airplane through trees, forest fires, rescue missions and even UFOs.

Train with Pedro as he pilots his airplane through trees, forest fires, rescue missions and even UFOs.

11 Comments on Pedro’s Flight Academy

  1. Tomatooo

  2. pedro A plus student // May 31, 2019 at 2:26 pm // Reply

    awesome always got a

  3. I’m an A+ student and I got an F!!!!! SOOO mad!!!

  4. benten2010 // April 6, 2019 at 3:31 pm // Reply

    this game rigged didnt miss a thing and it gave me a c #RAGE

  5. Why is the plane so close to the ground?🤔

  6. JollyRoger185 // March 10, 2019 at 9:57 am // Reply


  7. 99% genius 1% winner // February 18, 2019 at 9:42 am // Reply

    I wish you could shoot stuff down and go into battles and stuff.

  8. the sick music tho

  9. this is junk i just kept going on an on

  10. this game is a bore

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