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Pedro’s Extreme Ride

Design your motorcycle and cruise the open road in this fast-paced racing game.

Design your motorcycle and cruise the open road in this fast-paced racing game.

18 Comments on Pedro’s Extreme Ride


  2. Some Texas Webelo // November 27, 2021 at 4:49 pm // Reply

    Hopefully scouts do not try this at the highway lol

  3. best game!!!!!!!

  4. I can’t even turn on mobile

  5. Dopealicious

  6. *Casually going 200 miles an hour on a highway*
    Hope there are no cops to see this.

  7. why dosent it load

  8. sciencenerd456 // August 6, 2021 at 3:02 pm // Reply

    Did anyone else notice that the speedometer on the bike has you going at 0 the whole time? Or that turning cars have no blinkers? No? Just me? Ok…

  9. Won’t work

  10. This game is so awesome!

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