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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What are the cat and raccoon doing and what are they thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

Click here to write captions for more funny photos.

10 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Mission impossible

  2. E Gamer 563 // March 28, 2018 at 6:41 pm // Reply


  3. Scouttrooper360 // March 4, 2018 at 1:16 pm // Reply

    Get off my food you nasty scounderel!

  4. A wild cat…stalking his prey.

  5. TheAmazingPeguin // January 29, 2018 at 3:39 pm // Reply

    Just a biiiiiiiiiit closer

  6. so HE’S the thief! I’l teach him!

  7. Cat: Cat army ATACK!!!
    Raccoon: CREW! Get the cats!!!

  8. 1… 2… 3… ATTACK!!!

  9. 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 // August 10, 2017 at 4:08 pm // Reply

    Both: No no my food

  10. xXmanManXx // July 12, 2017 at 4:41 pm // Reply

    Ambush on my signal!

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