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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What is that lion doing and what is it thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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10 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. NewElectroMan // February 29, 2016 at 8:43 pm // Reply

    Oh no… here the zookeeper comes! I Would rather be a giraffe now…

  2. NewElectroMan // February 29, 2016 at 8:35 pm // Reply

    Who ate the Giraffe? ME!!

  3. ConnorTheCool // February 29, 2016 at 8:30 pm // Reply

    Is it working yet?

  4. wait did I just see poachers.

  5. superbrother500 // February 29, 2016 at 7:14 pm // Reply

    this is what I call camo

  6. I can’t think of anything. I guess I should think outside the box.

  7. What, I’m just joining the “Giraffe Fan Club”.

  8. I thought that this magic box wold make me tall. Cure you santaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Hey im a giraffe

  10. Banana Jammin' // February 29, 2016 at 7:07 am // Reply

    I just boxed that giraffe

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