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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What are those burros doing and what are they thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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10 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Welcome to McDonkey’s. What can I take from you?

  2. Where are the Doritos?

  3. Pixel fire // April 3, 2016 at 6:35 am // Reply

    I will order 2 burritos and a soda. Can I have some fries with that?

  4. Rayzapper9087 // April 2, 2016 at 7:46 pm // Reply

    Sorry mam, but this inspection may go to far.

  5. TrueBlueWhovian // April 2, 2016 at 5:26 pm // Reply

    Yes, I’d like a chili dog, some fries, a milkshake, and some flapjacks. Is it too late for flapjacks?

  6. UptownPerson // April 2, 2016 at 5:18 pm // Reply

    Hey! Ya got any food?

  7. this is my nickname // April 2, 2016 at 5:05 pm // Reply

    Sorry, but to enter you need to pay 2 heads of lettuce to enter our property.

  8. eat eat eat // April 2, 2016 at 5:03 pm // Reply

    Got any food in there?I’m hungry.

  9. Cheezit101 // April 2, 2016 at 2:31 pm // Reply

    “Harris, do you think they have granola bars?”

  10. Scouter1029 // April 2, 2016 at 2:07 pm // Reply

    “Hey do you have any alfalfa?”

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