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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
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Reach for the fries!
oh no… we didn’t even get to ride the ferris wheel!
Nacho business!
daddy can I eat my hat? Sure!
Hot heads!
Yee haa we’re potatoboys!
Hayley Kim
Son: Papa, why are Mike and Mom in a jar ad taste like BBQ sauce?
Papa: Because that’s the way life is. We are born, and then we get eaten. Then, we are reborn into a sinking wet hole of despair.
Son: Why does this happen? How can we prevent it?
Papa: You become a Potato Scout! I’ll sign you up right now. When I was a young potato lad, I reached the ‘Top potato Of All Time!’ badge. You’ll love it!
Pop! Mmmmmmmm… BBQ chips… yum!
i will avenge you my potato friend
Well, I never liked Larry anyway
hey mom look who WE found in mexico!
If these are us then where next.